Chapter 01 - 5 kms riding without shoes

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It's 9:27pm, I should be go to sleep because tomorrow i need to be get up early for helping in the kitchen and office as we have tourist leaving on trip. I here with my piece of coconut cake and a half bar of chocolate on a messy table with all all pens and school stuff around. " It's just so untidy " i just speaks it out after turn my head of the window. Outside nearly every where they have firework on top of there roof because today is the 31 of December 2011. I start to bite my coconut cake bit by bit and leave chocolate behind as it's not my favorite snack. my sis love chocolate and die for it when it's different from me because i feel nothing when i ate those chocolate. "i don't think i like any thing!" that right! but i might eat every thing even the stuff i hate when i'm so hungry. WWE is on beside me as my cousin is so crazy with it.

Today is Saturday, school kind a like closed even as usual i always have school to go. This morning i wore my sis uniform to school and it's a bit short to show of my knee and not even easy to ride my motorbike but the uniform was washed only shirt skirt is not done. I wish that could make plan and check about more clearer!!! T_T After come back from school a long time lunch with my sis, I never have it for a long time since my last year in high school start. 1 pm my dad and thier dirt bike guests is back and it too early for them, they were not yet prepared for the guests. There are 4 guests and they are sons and dad ( 3 of 20 years old son and a 50 years old dad ) the sons are look so cool, that what i though when i was carried my step sister in my arms ( she is so hot today !!! she has fever after got up ) I can't barely look at them that what i always did with all those young guy. i really shy to face and even talk to them. 5 of them start to change 1 by 1. Suddenly " where's the push? where's the push?" I wonder what language he is talking?? 1 minute later... "i used the toilet " the dad voice come up before my dad "it don't have the push you need to pour the water in to it." It's my middle modern toilet. At the end of thier busy guests Finally leave. Their mom are so nasty, when she saw his husband got a band on she so angry " you crash ??? " O_O

" no just a small burn from the engine"

"why you not be careful ??" blah blah.. Minibus leaving my messy house and get gone.

I left home to school when i know exactly that there are no extra course. I thinking along the way school, library and K2 skiing park. I love to know to ski but i have only 1500 Riel in pocket when the ski is 2500r. I ended up in the library reading the architecture of Cambodia 1953 - 1970, Van Moly Vann the famous architecture in Cambodia. I was interested in independence monument not that book. But I keep staring at the phone hoping that my close friend will call to ask her would she like to do ski. Finally phone rang, "where are you now??" my closed friend wonder " In wat damnak library," i quietly answer as they not allow to talk on the phone in library. "are you in side the library ?? " "ehuh! " i quickly answer " I'm going now!!. " Epha spoke something different from what i thought of " are you not going to do skiing ?" i like to go "Yes, I will but Naksa and Nil is not yet come so i will wait for them a little bit then i will go" . After sit there for 3 minutes they left and got to the ski park calls 2K, I been there and left uncared so i just go by myself and failed many time as much as i can't remember.

Epha borrowed her friend money for me even i was denied ( well i did want it even my mouth said no, who will stare at the people skiing around you) i was there for 1hour and a half most of the time is sitting down because Epha was so happy to be running up and down the hill. I was so bored and it nearly my time for school so i just stop 15 minutes before 5pm and look for my shoes and it gone i losed my shoes i cann't go to school with no shoes so i just going around looking for the shoes. No sign of it so i just there wondering around. And Epha told me we will go to the Qung Yu park together so i just wait for Epha as my home is on the way to the park.

6:30 pm i'm still waiting, i have no hope of getting back my shoes to go home so i just deside sadly i will riding back home without my shoes, my good friends they don't really give a god damn about me, so i'm cycling back home. Thanks god that today i wear a long pant to it could cover my feet enough for some one to not notice about that. This is my first time ever to cycling without my shoes on so far outside my house with all the crowd of cars and motorbike. I pray in my heart that no one will notice those empty foot. I don't remember how many time i said it out silently and keep saying in side me. Finally got back home with happy enough that it finally Saturday and no one really notice that i have no shoes on.

I say to my self no more skiing, why? It just not that wow and i'm not gonna run faster without those skating shoes. I prefer Thaigvando or Labokatour or thaigy is better then skiing.

Morning have come i'm wake up earlier to help in the house, no big planning about Sunday but then we have lunch in the Square Restaurant a modern nice design restaurant with Sheila ( my step mother ) Sreinak a lady working with me in the office. It nice lunch enough. Then we were wait for our guests meeting in Fragipani hotel. End up at 2 pm then off again to bring money for Temple pass for our guests. I was riding nearly fly and nearly missed the guests they start to get on the minibus. We when to K2 again this time is for fun because i have my family with me, seem like family is so important, do you think? I was there i feeling better, a lot better, coz i didn't have to be alone. I failed not many time but one big failed that make me nearly couldn't stand up back need a second ( will some one come to help me or they will laugh at me ?? ).

A Girl in a Big Wonder World..Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon