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Ally tapped her fingers impatiently on the counter. He was late. He was always late. She had been waiting for what felt like hours, gone through multiple beverages, and checked her phone countless times.

Why do I even bother? She thought to herself. But she knew why. She loved him. She couldn't leave him no matter how many times her friends told her to. She couldn't. Her love for him was too strong. She knew. She knew loving someone who didn't love you would only lead to heartbreak. Despair. But it wasn't like she could control it. Her heart seemed to swell when he stood close. He didn't know, thank God. She hoped he never would.

He thought of her as a friend. A close friend, yes, but just a friend nonetheless. Partners. But not the kind of partners she wanted to be. Desperation flowed through her when he smiled in her direction, she was desperate to be with him.

But she was his songwriter. Nothing more. Nothing less. Her heartbeat sped up erratically when his fingers grazed against hers at the piano. But she was just his friend.

"Hey, Ally," he greeted her, coming into the store. Her breath was caught for a moment in her throat.

"Hi, Austin." She tried so hard to keep a cool front, while he remained oblivious to her internal struggles. "Do you..." she began her voice hopeful. "Do you wanna go work on a new song?" Maybe it would distract her.

"Yeah, of course. That's why we're here, right?" She didn't mention how late he was.


"Ally." She'd spaced again. So many thoughts.

"Sorry. Here, let's go over that last part again." His hand did bump against hers ever so slightly, and she stopped playing.

"Ally? Are you sure you're okay?" She glanced down at her hand, frozen on the keys. The spot where they'd made contact caused a certain kind of warmth run through her body. It was all sparks, all joy, whenever he touched her, whether it was a light brush, or he was full on holding her hand. She didn't know what he did to her, and the tiniest part of her wished he did.

The bigger part of her, though, knew it wouldn't work. They wouldn't work. She nodded slowly.

"I'm fine." His expression was skeptical.

"Ally, if there's anything wrong, if I've done anything wrong, I want you to tell me, okay? I care about you. And you're worrying me a little right now. She gave him a small smile to show him she was alright.

"Thanks, Austin. I promise I'm okay." He continued to stare at her suspiciously for a moment, but eventually slowly started to smile as well.

"Good, 'cuz you're my closest friend, and I wouldn't want anything to come between us."

Yes, she loved him. And thank God he'd never know.

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