chapter 1

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I looked outside the window in the backseat of my parents' car. We passed by a numerous amount of trees and there wasn't really anything interesting about it. I looked towards the inside, my head leaning on my hand which is propped up on the door. I saw a bag full of books, only one of which is for entertainment. Next to it is a bag with some minor electronic devices in it: a cell phone, a PlayStation 4 and a laptop, all with the required cords to function of course(and an adapter to connect my PS4 to my laptop if they do not have a television in the dorms).

Sorry for the lack of introduction. I'm Kyousuke Hart. I'm 14 years old and over the summer, I gained the abilities to be a Mahou Shounen, or a Magical Boy. I am an average male but I am a total twig. I have blue spiky hair. I'm a sort of introvert but not completely. The only thing I don't want to do without is technology. Modern civilization has spoiled me.

"Alright son, I hope you have a fun 4 years here while me and your mother enjoy your escape from us." My father said looking at me from the passenger side seat, smiling. We begin to see the gates of the academy come into full view.

I spitted "Whatever."

I got dropped off with all my stuff and then my parents drove off at an intense speed. Not knowing what to do, I went to the school office.

Once i was there, I saw a man with black, messy hair sticking out. who was writing stuff down then typing things into the computer; he repeated constantly. I walked up to him and began talking.

"Uh... can you direct me towards my dorm?" I asked. He was kind of cute, despite the fact he was in his late twenties.

"Name." He responded hastily with a cold and harsh voice. It sounded so smooth though. He was kind of cute.

I blushed slightly. I got back to myself quickly and replied with a nervous stutter. "M-my name is Kyousuke Hart."

He gave a quick couple of taps on the keyboard and then began scrolling.
"Mr. Hart, you are on dorm hall G, room number 531." He replied.

"Thanks." I told him, letting a small smile across my face right before I run out of the office towards my dorm.

I made it to the hall. The school's interior was a casual beige color until you reached the dorm hall, where the color transitions from beige to a sea blue color and red doors.

After searching for my room number thoroughly, I made it there. I opened the door casually and then closed it behind me to be greeted by a very loud but a happy voice.

"Roommate!" He screamed, as the strange boy tackled me to the ground.
He had a messy blonde hair with golden eyes. He was slightly muscular and his voice sounded sweet. He wore a blue shirt and denim jeans with white shoes, just like any ordinary outfit.

"Please get off of me!" I screamed
He stood up and then picked me up with one hand.

"You are light. How much do you even weigh?" The boy asked looking at curiously

"115 pounds. I'm only light because you are strong as heck. What's your name, if I may ask?" I asked

He chuckled a bit and rubbed the back of his head, smiling "Oh, it's Seto. Seto Madumi." He explained

I was shocked. My mouth went wide open as I blushed intensely and drooling slightly. "W-wait, you mean you're the Seto Madumi, the same one who was the top adolescent Japanese baseball player!" I stuttered

He seemed surprised that I knew who he was but not what he looked like. Did I give a blow to his self esteem?

"Well yeah. I guess it must be hard for you to not notice me without a helmet on my head." He said slightly depressed.
He glances over to me and feigns a smile once more.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Let me help you unpack." He suggested as he takes my bags off of me.

"So are you a top or a bottom?" Seto asked as he pulled some of my underpants out of my suitcase.

I blushed intensely and pointed towards him as I began to get impatient. "Hey, what kind of question is that!?" I screamed at him, slightly embarrassed by the question and him holding my boxers.

"The kind of question of me wanting to know which part of the bunk you like to sleep on. Why do you ask?" He replied a confused look painted on his head.

I started sweating slightly and gave him a smile.

"Oh it's nothing. Never mind." I said to him, giving a slightly nervous chuckle.

"You can just finish helping me unpack and then I will try and find our other roommates." I told him as I looked at the empty bunk beds on the other end of the room.

"I just hope they don't come early." He said in a slightly seductive voice.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" I yelled. blushing once again.

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