Santa's Naughty List

Start from the beginning

Claire went running through the room and into Quil's awaiting arms. She giggled as he swirled her around the room. I smiled, leaning against the door, watching them both. 

"Now, have you been good Claire?" he questioned. 

"Yes," she murmured with a nod. 

"That's good, 'cause Santa is here now." 

"Santa!" she screamed into his ear.  

I laughed, seeing Quil shake his head and blink a few times. "Don't do that Claire. Right in the ear too!"He smiled, hearing my laughter and looked up to see me standing in the doorway of the kitchen. "Hey Bella; are you coming to see Santa too?" There was something about Quil's voice which was a little different when he asked about seeing Santa. It was as though there was some kind of joke to it. But I just put it down to Quil been silly like usual and shrugged my shoulders mentally. 

"Sure," I answered and followed him and the others outside into the cold winter air. My arms wrapped around my chest in tempt of staying warm. I saw the rest of the boys running out of the forest as a red mushing sled came up the dirt road of the Black's house, with Seth, in his wolf form, pulling the sled with Santa holding on for dear life. I tried not to laugh after seeing a red nose on Seth. He looked so cute and funny. I wondered where Jacob was. He was missing out on all the fun. 

Quil put Claire down after the sled stopped. She cried Santa loudly once more and ran up to the guy. Seth sat down and watched as Santa picked her up in his arms, in such a loving manner. "Have you been a good girl this year, Claire?" he asked her.  

I glanced over at Paul standing with Rachel, his arms wrapped around her body to keep her warm, and Sam holding Emily in his arms too. Everyone was smiling while watching closely. I still couldn't see Jacob anywhere though. I hoped he was okay. 

"Mmhm. Yup I have been Santa!" Claire cried. 

"I think I have something for you then, Claire," Santa said, setting her down on the ground. He pulled a red tarp off of the sled to expose a box full of gifts with tags on them. He pulled out one huge present and handed it to Claire. "Merry Christmas, Claire," he smiled under his long, while beard.  

Claire gushed with a gasp of excitement, taking the gift from him as Quil and her mother walked over to help her carry it onto the veranda where we were all standing. She started to open it quickly as Santa watched her, still smiling as though he really did care for her like she was family to him.  

Every now and then, I saw Santa's eye glanced towards me. I turned slightly pink in the cheeks noticing his russet skin and his deep brown, chocolate eyes. I glanced away every now and then. This isn't Jacob, Bella, my thoughts cried, this is Santa. You've never had a Santa fantasy before. You don't need to start now! There was just something about Santa that made my stomach clench in pleasure when he glanced into my eyes.  

I thought maybe when I first saw him it was Jacob, as he wasn't here yet, but then with looking at Santa closely, there was no way it could have been. This was a typical guy dressed up as Santa. He had the huge stomach and all. Jake wasn't like that. He was buff, sculptured and muscular. He hadn't even been the slightest bit over-weight in his life! 

Pulling off the last piece of paper, Claire screamed with more excitement seeing the full set of Barbie-dolls and play sets before her eyes. Looking to Quil's face, he rolled his eyes and shook his head. He was the one who would be playing with her and those Barbie-dolls.  

She jumped up and wrapped her arms halfway around Santa's barely there waist. "Thank you, thank you Santa!"  

He laughed and scuffed up her hair. "You're welcome Claire," he said. He went back to his sled and looked up to everyone else after picking up the box and started to carry the presents to the veranda, handing them out to the others. I smiled when it came to my turn. 

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