"And how exactly are you going to do that?" She smirks, but I can still hear the sadness in her voice.

"First we're going to a movie, then go-karting, after that we're going back to Jade's one more time and then we're coming back here and hanging out for the rest of the night up until we have to get you to the airport." I explain.

"Is Luke coming, too?"

"He said he would be our chauffeur but he doesn't have to hang out if you don't want him to."

"No, let him come. It'll be nice." She smiles as a strand of scarlet falls in her face.

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, well he's pulling up now," I say as I peek out the blinds covering my window. "We better go."

We quickly gather our jackets and purses as we stumble out of my room and down the stairs.

"Bye, Mom!" I yell as Red exclaims something along the same lines, knowing she'll have a proper goodbye later.

"Hey, babe." Luke stupidly grins as Red and I get into the backseat, a chauffeur hat sitting on his head.

"Are you seriously wearing that?" I ask and he nods, grinning. "You're such a dork."

"But you love me!" He chimes in before reversing out of my driveway and heading to our first destination.

"Can't argue with that." I quietly mumble before returning to my conversation with Red.

"And here we are, ladies. Our first stop tonight is at our local movie theater." Luke speaks in a terrible imitation of a British butler before he gets out and opens the door, the hat still residing on his head.

"Aren't you coming?" Red calls out, turning around as she speaks.

"I thought I was just the butler?" Luke responds, confused.

"You're more than a butler. Trouble, get your idiot." I hastily comply, not wanting her to change her mind. 

We're a few feet from the car when I suddenly stop, pulling on Luke's hand to make him stop, too.

"What?" Luke questions me, confused.

"You are not wearing that inside." I use my free hand to motion to his hat.

"And why not?"

"Because I won't kiss you for 24 hours if you do."

He hastily runs back to the car, ripping the hat off as he goes. I laugh at his behavior, knowing we were both getting strange looks from the public.

"You're an idiot." I shake my head as he pulls me along behind him.

"I thought I was a dork?"

I think for a second before answering, "You're a dorky idiot." I conclude, using my free hand to give him a thumbs up.

"You're mean," He pouts.

"And you're my dorky idiot."

"I'm going to throw up, why did I invite him?" Red questions from where she was standing by the theater's entrance.

"Because he makes me happy and you like me happy?" I try.

"Nah, I think it's so I'm not the one doing embarrassing stuff for once."

"Fair enough." I shrug as Luke continues to pull me to the theater until we're at the ticket booth.

"No, Loki is obviously better." I argue as we step out of the theater after seeing the new Thor movie, lens-free 3D glasses on our faces.

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