Baby days

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  When I was a baby I did things my way. Things that baby's could do anyways. That got on everyone's nerves. Not only did I cry when I didn't get what I wanted, I would smile a second later.
  I was told by my very much loved mommy that when she dropped me off to go to my sister's house I cried. They tried to figure out what was wrong. I could sense that she was leaving. Well mommy went behind the door so I could no longer see her. I stopped crying right then and there. Instead I started giggling. I was a weird baby.
  I'm brung into the world ready to depend on someone. I feel like I'm holding on to my innocence. That if I make my own decisions and choices, I might not want to or need to be around my mommy as much. I ate anything as a baby. I was always ready for her attention. If that didn't work I would go ballistic, because I knew what I wanted right then. How come decisions arent that easy now? I just listened to what others wanted and I'd take it cause I'm not sure of what I want.

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