I can't even gain any connects or plugs because these niggas out here ain't tryna help the next nigga come up. It's every man for himself and I understand that... Look, if I'm waisting my time talkin to you just let me know now." I said with a blank expression. He stared at my for a second and then looked over to the car he seen me hop out of. "That's yours?" he asked. "Yeah why?" I said. "You see that yellow truck right there? Get in your car and follow it." he said walking to the yellow truck. I walked to my car and got in. I was excited on the inside , but I couldn't show it on the outside because niggas would start to think that I'm soft when I'm not. I followed the yellow truck until we pulled up to a trap house.

We got out of our cars and walked in together. Before we made it to the door, he stopped. "Look, don't go in here tryin to pull that same bullshit on Boss that you pulled on me. He honestly doesn't give a fuck about any of that. Just let him talk and you speak when he tell you to. Got it?" he said. I sighed and nodded, mentally preparing myself. I don't know what to expect when I get in here but I'm not leaving until he give me some drugs to sell. I felt my waistline to make sure I still had my 9 mm tucked into my pants, and it was indeed there. I had to be prepared anywhere I go.

I walked in behind the dude I followed here, and we went all the way to the back. We made it down the long hallway to a door at the end of it. He did some kind of code knock to let, I'm assuming Boss, know that it was him at the door. "Come in!" I heard a deep voice yell. We walked in to what looked like a study more than an office and Boss looked up at me. The man was real tall and slinky. He kinda favored Flex Alexander. "Who is this?" he asked, staring at me intently. Before anyone could answer, Boss spoke up again. "Better yet, introduce yourself." he said folding his arm over his chest and leaning back in his chair.

"Rallo." I said. "And you're here why?" he asked. For a couple of seconds, I thought of the correct way to put it. There really wasn't one so I said the first thing that came to mind. "I'm looking for work." I said simply. He nodded his head and looked towards the other guy. "Do you know him personally Rob?" he asked. So his name was Rob. I spoke up before Rob could, "Nah we don't know each other. I just moved out here almost two weeks ago and I'm just tryin to find a hustle. that's it." I said with a bored look on my face. He turned his head to this side and stared at me for about 30 seconds, trying to read me. I could tell by the look in his eyes and tell that he's leaning more towards no than yes and I don't blame him. I wouldn't let the new nigga in town push weight for me either but I'm taking a chance.

"Why should I trust you to do this? Do you even know anything about selling drugs?" he asked. "I'm not askin you to trust me because you won't. You don't know me so I understand. But I was slangin back in my hometown before I came here." I said. He nodded and looked at Rob. "Get him set up. One false move and that's yo life Rallo. I'm only doing this because I can see the hunger in yo eyes. At one point of my life I had to do the same shit you're doing now before I started making boss moves and now I run my own shit. Don't make me regret giving you a chance. Lets just say you'll regret it more than I will because if you fuck up, that's yo ass. Now get out here." he said.

I could tell that Boss was a nigga who meant business. I wouldn't dare cross him. Not because I'm scared but because I owe nothing but respect and loyalty to any motherfucker who gives a helping hand to me. Rob led me to the room, introduced me to a couple of people, gave me my work and sent me on my way. I was happier than a hoe at a dick fest. Sooner or later my name will ring bells in these Chicago streets as I shit on the niggas who didn't wanna help me. I knew this drug shit only gonna lead to more drama, more haters, and more enemies but I'm ready. My trigger finger always itchin and I ain't scared to body a nigga. Lets just hope that these niggas stay out of my way and out of my business.

Junior POV

I was standing on the corner, selling crack to any crackhead that approached me. My mom or my sister doesn't know that I sell drugs and they don't need to know. When I leave, I tell them I'm going to my homie, Trayvon, crib. I looked at my watch that read 8:30 and decided that it was time to go home. On my way home, I seen this lil bitch Jamie that didn't wanna give a nigga no kind of play last year, but now she all on my dick.

"Hey J.R." she said with a smile. I looked at her like she was crazy. If she ever fix her mouth to say my name wrong like that again, I'd body slam her ass. "It's Junior." I simply said, trying to walk past her. "Come in for a little while" she said smiling at me and licking her lips. I looked her up and down and laughed in her face. "When I tried to fuck with you last year, you didn't wanna fuck with me. Now yo hoe ass wanna invite me in? Go clean the semen off your shirt first." I said and her face dropped, causing me to laugh.

"You ugly anyways nigga and your dick probably little anyway." she said, fuming. "Nah bitch, I look good and you know it. If I'm so ugly then why you tryna talk to me with them thin ass eyebrows. Oh, and btw. Correction: my dick not big enough to fit in your deep ass, loose ass pussy. My shit far from little tho." I laughed and walked off.

These hoes were out of control to be honest. They thought they can say whatever to a nigga and expect him not to retaliate since she's a girl. I don't give a fuck about none of that shit. I'd DDT a bitch before I let her think it's cool to disrespect me.


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