Lost At Sea (A Short Story)

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A gust of wind came from the ocean; I stood there letting it surround my body. It prickled my skin, the cool breeze. The ocean moved steady, letting the water reach my ankles. My bare legs look shiny under the moonlight. My hair is down to my shoulders, flying back with the wind. Nothing moves in the ocean, I can only hear the water move and hit the shore. I move towards the water.

The water reaches my waist now. Almost up to my navel. My shirt sticks to my body, as do my shorts. I sway with the waves, smelling the ocean, tasting the salt in my mouth. Everything is calm and soothing. Only the moon decorates the night sky. I close my eyes and I can feel the seaweed under my toes. The little rocks and shells tickle my feet. I move towards the water again as the water wraps around my neck.         

I stand there letting the water soak me. The water no longer seems cold, it's rather warm. I smile as I feel a wave hit my body, making my body move with it. I open my eyes to see the shore out of view. In my tippy toes holding myself not to get carried away.

I'm being pulled and tugged further and further into the ocean. Water surrounds me. It takes over my body, I can't fight it back. I try to push against it, I use all my will power to swim towards shore but water is all I see. I can't breathe as I gulp saltwater. I'm not quite drowning; I'm floating with the waves. They're pushing me, guiding me. I hear the wind blow by my ears; it's moving with speed. I move with it.

I want to yell for help, but who will help me? I'm alone in the ocean in the middle of the night. What was I thinking walking out here? What made me get in the water? Was it the beauty of the water? How the water reflected millions of diamonds in the night. Was it the soothing lullaby that it sang as the water hit the shore.         

I close my eyes, giving up. I feel nothing under me, I'm drowning. Gasping for air. I panic. I start to kick, I move my hands around me looking for something to hold on to. I'm kicking my legs growing weak with each and every attempt I take to save myself. my heart beats fast in my chest, water stings my eyes, water is pulling me under. I'm going under.

I want to scream, I want to yell out for help. Anything to save me. I can't find my voice. everything feels unreal. The water, the sounds. This can't be real, this can't is it? I can feel a chain pull me under, it's tugging my legs. Inch by inch I'm being dragged, I close my eyes before I'm fully beneath. I can feel it all around me. The cold ocean. It's pulling me under. I open my eyes, curious of what I'll see.

Empty. Darkness. Nothing. It's nothing like what I pictured, everything feels so dead, and alone. What happened to the life? It feels like another world, a place where I only exist. I look around and twirl but nothing is there. I should be running out of the air, I should be suffocating without any oxygen. I let out a deep breath and bubbles come out. many questions run through my mind. How is this possible? This can't be real. Everything starts to shake, the ocean around me. It isn't the ocean it's me. my body shakes and shakes my eyes start to get drowsy, I close them and feel asleep.   

            I lay on something warm, soft. It's not sand, it can't be. I try to open my eyes, but my eyes feel heavy. My body is sore. I open my eyes, and the first thing I see is a bright light. Am I dead? Is this it? My eyes adjust to the light and I realize it's the sun. I sit up and I lay on my bed. How did I get here? I move and look around. I sit in my room. Everything here, it's real.   

            It was all a dream, but I can smell the sand on my skin. I can taste the salt in my mouth. it was all a dream, a dream that felt real. I still feel the waves hit my body. It was a dream a wonderful, beautiful, beloved nightmare. 

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