Chapter Two

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As I'm walking around I start to feel at home, most of my coworkers are welcoming and help me when I need it. Except for Brianna, she actually seems to hate me. I bet you are thinking 'Awh how can she hate such an amazing person'. No? Okay then I just made this awkward...

Anyways back in elementary school Brianna was my best friend, we were never one without the other. Of course until high school started, people took a liking to me and I somehow raised to the top of the social chain and became queen bee. Brianna was extremely jealous and lashed out, then she became the outcast of the school and was practically forced to move schools. I still missed her dearly.. Now we are 19 and she still holds a grudge against me. It's not like it's my fault.

"Hey kid you okay?" Marty says snapping me out of my thoughts. I just simply nodded at him and smiled. Walking away to go change into my uniform, which I have to say is very stylish. It's a black fitted t-shirt and I have the choice of black jeans or shorts, which I of course bring from home. I chose the shorts for today considering it was starting to warm up outside.

As I walked out of the bathroom I was greeted with a little obstacle course. I look up to see Marty smirking and holding a tray with glass cups and plates.

"Marty what are you doing?" I ask warily, not sure what's going on in the old mans head. He just smiles and hands me the tray. Which I feel oddly comfortable holding.

"I want you to go through the course while holding the tray, go as fast as possible. I will be timing you. Don't break any of the glasses and/or any of the plates. Ready set GO!" He announces and I start going, not wanting to fail I quickly jump over the fallen chair and dodge my coworkers, who I assume are apart of this. I have a couple little things to do left and I finish them with ease.

I wipe the sweat off my brow and look at Marty, who just gives me a look as if to say 'oh my lord almighty this girl is good' okay maybe that was a little bit exaggerated.

"Kid I didn't know you had at in you, you beat our record! Congratulations Savvy!" He said and gives me a hug, me still breathing heavy smiles and cheers.

"What was my time?" I ask excitedly.

With a wide smile Marty says, "49.5 seconds!" I yell out a 'hell yeah' and I hear someone say 'not possible!'. I turn to see Brianna looking red faced and flustered, I'm just guessing I beat her high score. Which makes me feel guilty.

Marty looks at Brianna and smiles, "What's wrong bri?" He asks with proudness loud in his voice, proudness that I've caused. Makes me a little bit sad because I will never hear that proudness in my own fathers voice, but Marty makes up the sadness and makes me have a huge smile plastered on my face.

"She just gets here today and has already beaten my record! She thinks she knows all a-" she was cut off by Marty holding up his hand. He held a very disappointed look on his face.

"Ms. Martin aren't you happy for your fellow coworker? Her success helps everyone here. Imagine the customers she can bring in, just by having good service. Is there anyway that this anger is coming from somewhere else?" Marty says calmly. I stare at Brianna wondering why she isn't happy, in the past she would have been happy for me. It's like she's a whole new person.

"I'm happy that we have a good person on the team, I just don't understand why it has to be her. In high school it was always her getting head cheerleader and winning volleyball and softball tournaments. Her always getting the most popular guys at school. It's not fair!" She snaps then storms off. Leaving me with tears about to fall down. I look down embarrassed for all this to happen in front of everybody that I have to work with. I hear Marty sigh then feel a set of arms wrap around me. I smell Marty's signature smell of mint and aftershave.

I lean into his embrace, inviting the warm feeling of being cared for to take over. I look up and Marty giving me a sad look. He knows why I did all those sports and succeeded, I had to constantly busy myself, not wanting to feel alone. I hated the feeling, sure growing up I had a nanny and a butler, but they weren't my parents, they couldn't fill the hole that was empty for my parents. I also worked nonstop until I became one of the best just so I could get my parents to notice me and love me.

I shake my thoughts and pull out our embrace, "Thank you Marty, I get where she's coming from, she doesn't know my reasoning." I say and walk to the bathroom to clean my face up, thinking mascara streaking down my face isn't going to be a good look. As I near the bathroom I hear quiet sobs, knowing who it is I contemplate on what to do.

Do I attempt to mend our relationship and risk getting rejected or her blowing up on me again, or do I go in there and ignore her? Ah man I'm too good of a person to just leave her in there crying, after all I still love and care about her.

As I walk into the bathroom I see one of the stalls are shut, I quietly walk over to it and knock.

"Go away!" She whisper yells, I don't listen though. Not allowing her to push me away, she must listen to me. I can't stand to see her hurt.

"Bri, please open the door, let me explain my side of the story." I plead while practically talking to a bathroom stall door. She makes no sound except for little sniffles. Finally, after a couple minutes, she opens the door. Tears are streaming down her face, her face still look beautiful though. I wish I had that natural beauty, every time I cry I look like a dying seal.

"You have 2 minutes." She mutters while starting to clean her face off in the mirror. Before I start talking I offer her a makeup wipe, she takes it with shaking fingers.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know my success hurt you like that. It's not like I meant to hurt you, I only did it to busy myself. My whole life I've been alone. I was always second when it came to my parents jobs. I would stop at nothing to win just a little bit of affection from my mother and father. Winning all those tournaments and competitions made my parents show me just an ounce of the love I craved. I practiced everyday, worked out 6 days out of the week. I did everything I could to win. I didn't think it bothered many people because I didn't win it all by myself, I always had my team. I belonged somewhere. I surrounded myself with people to try and fill the void. I couldn't handle being alone anymore. Alex, the only boyfriend I ever had, yes he was popular, he cheated on me. Still haven't found out who with though." I say as fast as I can. I'm pretty sure I went over my 2 minutes. As I look up at Brianna she gives me a guilty look, obviously trying to find the words to say. I feel like I overwhelmed her. Maybe I should just go, give her some time to think and reflect.

I stand from where I was sitting on the counter, don't really remember sitting on it if I'm honest. As I start to walk away I feel a hand grasp onto my wrist, effectively stopping me. I turn to look at Brianna and she pulls me into her, embracing me into her arms. I have to blink tears away, it's been so long since she has given me a hug.

"No I'm sorry, I was being selfish. I was frustrated that you were getting more attention than me and that you could do things I couldn't. I feel bad, I should have been there for you. I'm also sorry for filling your locker with condoms, it hurt me way more than it did you." She giggles but continues, "I'm sorry about your ex boyfriend, I didn't know." She says but doesn't meet my eye. Something isn't right here, but I'm not gonna focus on that right now. I'm getting my best friend back.

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Ah the second chapter! What do you think so far? What do you think is going to happen next? Also who should Savvy be? Let me know in the comments. Love you all!

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