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When loved ones die, we weep and cry.
God looks with tender mercy, down from on high.
We grieve with one another, our tears they fall.
God stretches out a hand, to us he gives a call.
But we will not heed him, we ask time and again.
Of all the people in the world, God why did you take them.
He looks at us so sad and kind, then we hear him say.
Because their work was finished, they're living here today.
So weep for now but don't lose hope, the grief will pass in time.
Just look to me in times of fear, and know that you are mine.
And when at last we meet up here, united you will be.
Oh what rejoicing you will feel, when at last their face you see.
But my child you will not come, into that heavenly realm.
If in the ship that is your soul, you will not release the helm.
The government of your life, must solely be in my hands.
Then you will meet your loved ones dear, in that heavenly land

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