The Mirror

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This one one will be in Harry's pov because goldenfox9679 requested it. So... here ya go.

It's been a few months since Halloween. We've figured out that someone's after whatever's on the forbidden third floor corridor with the three headed dog. Ron thinks it's Snape and I agree with him. But Danny doesn't seem too sure.
Danny's a nice enough guy as long as you don't mess with his friends. Ron seems a bit scared of him at times though.
I got the greatest thing for Christmas! It's a cloak that belonged to my dad and turns people invisible! Of course for someone like Danny who can turn invisible at will it's probably not that impressive but to me it's a link to my parents that's priceless and I'm glad that Danny seems to understand that.
    So I was using the cloak to search the restricted section of the library at night when I was almost caught. I ran and ended up in a room with only a mirror in it. There, in the mirror, standing right behind my reflection... were my parents! I had to show someone. So I woke up Danny and Ron. I was expecting them to see my parents... but Ron saw himself holding the house and quidditch cups. Then Danny looked into it and, for some reason, he seemed to get... angry. His eyes glowed green. His hands lit with energy. And the next minute the mirror was shattered and Danny's hand was bleeding.
    He looked at me and said, "that mirror is nothing but false promises."
    "What do you mean?" I asked.
   "The inscription," he said, "'erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi' or 'I show not your face but your heart's desire'. It only shows your innermost desire. You see your parents. I see my foster family and friends whose deaths I was helpless to stop."
     "Oh," I said, disheartened.
     "Someone's here," Danny said, "show yourself!"
      Suddenly Professor Dumbledore stepped out of the shadows.
    "Keen senses young Danny. I am simply here to check on the mirror. Imagine my surprise when not only do you see through its illusion but are angered by it enough to destroy it. Alas I was planning to use it for something," he said.
      "I assume you mean to hide whatever's on the third floor? I could put whatever it is you're hiding in a pocket dimension if it helps," Danny said.
      "Yes that might do the trick. We'll do that later," the professor said.
     I never did find out what they were talking about. Not till the end of the year.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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