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"Are you scared?" I break the silence, her head turning to look at me as she drives.

"No," she whispers, keeping her hands on the steering wheel.

"Mad? Do you...do you want to break up?" I ask quietly, cautiously.

"No, just...relax," she says, my hands gripping my jeans. But I can't relax. I just beat the shit out of her ex and now her soft-spoken personality has me on the edge. There is no way of telling if she's okay with what had just occurred.

We get out of the car and she walks in front of me on the way to my place, my face sore and my hands barely able to open all the way.

"Go to the bathroom," she tells me, her demanding side usually turning me on. But now, I feel so guilty. I feel like I'm being scolded and I want to make up for all the crap I've done.

"Mary, I'm sorry," I tell her, her green eyes looking up into mine.

"Sorry?" she whispers, her arms crossing as she stands in front of me.

"Yeah, I-I didn't mean to freak you out like that and I'm sorry. He hurt you Mary. That doesn't sit well with me," I say, her hand grabbing mine lightly. I'm hesitant, due to the blood and the swelling, but I hold hers.

"You stood up for me, and that means everything. Please, don't think I see you differently, because you defended me," she says, my head leaning down. I set a soft kiss to her forehead.

"I just want you safe," I tell her, her head nodding.

We go into the bathroom and I take off the bloodied shirt, her hands wetting a washcloth. I wash my hands and she wraps her arms around my waist from behind. My eyes close when her lips start to press against the skin of my back, her lips so soft.

I turn around reluctantly and I lift her onto the counter, her hands lifting the washcloth. She starts to clean the blood off my face and flinch a few times, but she kisses me every time I do so.

"Harry, your nose," she whispers, my hands holding her waist.

"It hurts," I say, her finger brushing over it.

"We should ice your face," she tells me, my head nodding. I'll do whatever she thinks is the right thing.

"Thank you," I say, her hand cupping my cheek. She sets a soft kiss to my lips and I find myself so thankful for her.

"You quit?" I ask, her head shaking.

"I want you to. Get a job at a coffee house or something. Anything that gets you away from that type of thing," I tell her, her lips pressing to mine again. I determine it's a nice way of telling me to shut up.

"We'll see," she tells me, my hands letting go of her. She jumps from the counter and I watch her walk into my kitchen, grabbing a bag of frozen veggies out of the freezer. She wraps it in a paper towel and she grabs my hand, having me follow her into my bedroom.

"Can you hold this? I want to change really quick," she says, my head nodding. I hold the bag and she grabs her leggings and a tee from her bag, going into the bathroom.

She's out in a few seconds and she sits on the bed, her arms opening. I kneel on the bed and she allows me to rest my head in her lap, her hand taking the bag and setting it on my face.

"You're my hero," she grins, making me chuckle. Her fingers run through my hair and she starts kissing my face.

I set my hand over hers and she keeps close watch on me, my eyes closing. I've never had this; the gentle actions making my heart pound.

"Mary?" I say, her hum making me know she's close. She kisses my forehead and I open my eyes, looking at the angelic women.

"Do you know what love is?" I ask, knowing my question is ridiculous. I've never felt love and I want to know if she has, my hand staying over hers.

"I do," she says, my eyes glancing to look at her lips before I look into her eyes.

"Can you tell me about it?" I wonder, her lips curving. I smile, so glad I have this comfort with her. Mary is beautiful.

"My parents were so far in love. They were always together," she starts, kissing my sore cheek. "And I know, due to your circumstances, I don't want to speak badly, but my parents were so in love it was as if they needed each other to breathe."

"Go on. Don't worry about my situation," I say, her consideration something I'm not used to. But then again, no one but her really knows of my parents.

"So when I was little, my dad would lay in bed with me at night and tell me how him and my mom met. Love at first sight, he told me. He saw her at a concert and she saw him, the two connecting immediately. I loved that story," she says, my lips smiling at how happy she reminisces.

"I'd say we have a romantic love story," I tell her, her laugh filling the room.

"Our backwards romance," she smiles, pressing a kiss to my lips. She is everything I could want.

Her head moves back up and she keeps holding the ice to my face, my eyes closing as she continues talking.

"But love, from what my parents had, were the small things. My dad bought my mom flowers every Sunday morning, regardless of if they were in the midst of an argument. They would say their love for each other every morning and every night, but also when one was leaving the house. She would make him lunch for work," she starts to sniffle, my eyes opening. I didn't realize this must make her hurt, talking about two people she loved that had passed away.

"But love...is when your heart is constantly racing and just the thought of the other makes you smile. My mom told me that, because my dad made her weak in the knees," she giggles, my lips curving. But it strikes me, what she said, because all those things...it's what I feel for her. It makes me confused but I have to relax. Mary and I are taking this slow.

"You have a great life," I tell her, her thumb brushing beneath her eyes.

"I do. Now more so," she tells me, my body sitting up. I move the ice down and she cups my cheek, her forehead resting on mine.

"You've helped me with so much and I could not thank you enough," she tells me, my hand setting on her waist.

"Mary, incase you haven't realized, but I've changed my life around because of you. And I have a life worth living now. I just beat up your ex for touching you and I have never done that. Anything that even comes close to hurting you, I'll step in the way and take care of you. I'm yours, Mary," I state, her eyes looking into mine. Before anything else, I throw the ice as her lips press to mine. I lay her down and she keeps me close, kissing me as I cover her body. Her hands grab my face and I feel everything for her, the beautiful girl taking my heart for good.

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