Going over the events that just happen I realize that were in Cattle Carts. Cattle Carts was basically were the put animals in that were going to die. Did that mean we were going to die? This was it, no chance to get through it? No chance to survive? Was our last moments on earth were going to be in form of being treated like animals? That seemed so wrong. There was even Kids at the age of Emma and even grandparents in the cart. All of them banging on the wall or either looking around scared to death, which didn’t really help anyone at all.

The truth was we didn’t know where we would be going. We didn’t know how long we would be stuck in the cart. All we knew is that we would most likely be lead to our deaths. Just like the animals in the carts were. But we were people but I guess that didn’t matter. We were stuck in this small, well what seem small Cattle Cart for maybe a long time. I wonder what would happen if we needed to go to the bathroom. But my question was soon answered when I saw a bucket. All we had was a bucket to go to the bathroom in that was it. No sunlight besides the window over Emma’s and my head. 

It seemed like hours, maybe three or four at the most.. I couldn't talk and either could my sister because we lost our voices an hour ago crying and yelling with everyone. It smelled really bad and 4 people already getting sick at the other end. There was no fresh air so we had to get use to the smell which was that great at all. It helped if you didn’t take many deep breathes. I wondered if we were really going to take us somewhere safe. The bad feeling I forgot till now.

I wondered how long we would last. I didn’t know how long we could take the smell. I was glad we went to the bathroom before we left the house. Thankful that maybe we could find some light in this situation. Even if it was something like that. Or the fact we had a huge meal before we left. At least we wouldn’t starve to death I thought. No I had to keep positive, I had to have hope even if there wasn’t any.

But truth was now my sister and I were orphans. No one would care what is going to or what will happen to us now. We didn’t have any more family besides our parents so this was basically it for us. It seemed to be no hope at all for us but there had to be. Because if we didn’t have hope, we wouldn’t be here right now.

I tried to think of things that would keep me and Emma busy. Or at least made us think of something else. I know it seemed childish and maybe stupid. But maybe if we kept ourselves sane through this we would survive. People seemed to be already losing it and it hasn’t been that long. Some were bleeding from banging on the walls. Others rocking back and forth not really liking the close places. Maybe it was longer than I thought. But so far this day seemed to all got together. For all I know it could be a new one. I looked up to the window, and it was still daylight. I wished I had watch but it was in my backpack that was in the pile, at the train station. 

Hours or what seemed to be hours pasted as people were stating to go to the bathroom in public. Which I have to say was really disgusting but there was no were to go. We had a bucket that some of the male used but it all seemed just revolting. The smell was terrible making many of us gag. I don’t even want to want to even go into details about it. My sister and I put scarfs over our noses so we wouldn't smell it. Thankful that we had scarfs with us.  It’s the small things no matter what that I’m thankful for each day. Today I’m really thankful for it.

Another thing I was thankful for was the fact that Emma was still here with me. Some of the small children weren’t moving anymore. They seemed to be lifeless. I was holding on to my sister making sure she was okay, a lot. She gave me a small smile each time but had worried look in her eyes. She is so strong for an 8 year old, she I wish she didn’t have the burden to be like that. She should be playing games with other kids not in this with me…or with the rest of the group. It wasn’t fair, I know life isn’t fair but this was just wrong. We were human, not cattle. I didn’t feel like eating meat ever again after this.

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