The beginning *chapter1*

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Alright well.. it all started one day , I started following some guy named Bryan. Just for the follows , yanno? Me & this guy became really close but soon became distant after realizing he was a player . I also happened to follow some people he followed while we were close.

But one guy , I happened to follow that had a friend, that was a friend of a friend. I honestly don't understand how it all happened but eventually. After about 3 months after me & Bryan stopped talking. Some guy , named Chris. Starts liking & commenting on most of my post . I didn't even know him at the time . & I had a boyfriend at the time so I just shrugged it off my shoulders . Then something really caught my attention. It honestly made me blush & smile & laugh & ah. It made me really want to talk to this guy because he seemed cool & fun to talk to . The post said "do you smile at the text i text you " my boyfriend commented "yeah❤" & it was sweet & all but Chris commented , & I quote , " you smile at the text i don't text you :o ? " something about that just really made me want to text him. & so I did .

I said to myself " well I mean this probably won't go anywhere but that comment, I mean now I want to smile at his texts" . His username also had his name in it so I texted him "Chris i think, right ? Yeah who are you " being the rude af person I am. & the first thing he said to me made me smile. "Hi ! I'm Chris, I think, may I ask who you are? " I said, still blushing " I'm Gracie, you think your Chris? " he said being sarcastic " yeah, I'm Chris i think " . I happened to have one relationship over the Internet before him *bryan*so I didn't trust people over the Internet. So being as straight forward as I could've been I said " so ..your not like some 82 year old perverted freak are you? " & again making me blush he replied with " no silly I'm 72!😉" jokingly of course . After that I kinda knew I had a crush . & we started talking more & more everyday all day for 2 weeks.

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