Ellie Croacie

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Okay, I have one thing to sayyyy: Why do people hate on the OCs that like Percy/Annabeth when they're being totally innocent and just think they're trying to get the popular people to leave them alone? And why do people think Percy would yell at people and call them ugly and such? Percy is too good of a person and I just don't think him yelling insults at people would ever happen unless he's talking to monsters such as Bronze Butt? Okay, I'm done ranting.


Ellie tucked a strand of brunette hair behind her ear. The curls that continuously fell out of her braid became overwhelmingly annoying so she just took it out.

Her gaze drifted to Percy Jackson, who was sitting a dew seats down. His green eyes were seemingly trembling with the effort he was putting into reading the book they were assigned. Mr. Blofis was keeping a close eye on him while he worked, and Ellie knew he was his stepdad.

Percy's untamed black hair hung in his face, but it managed to look windswept and perfect. Perfect and untamed. Same difference.

Percy looked up and their eyes met. Percy grinned at her before turning back to his book. They were currently reading "Hercules; The Greek Chronicles" and so far, Percy was doing the best in class, which was very unusual.

His explanation was that the Greek myths were fascinating and he had always been interested in them.

Ellie jumped when the bell rang. Percy was up at the front of the class, talking to Mr. Blofis.

"You don't have any Greek copies? You had them for-"

"I know, Percy. But they're hard to get. Maybe talk to your dad about it."

Percy scowled. "I haven't talked to him since my sixteenth birthday."

Mr. Blofis sighed. "Just- I don't know, call him?"

Percy frowned. "Okay. Thanks, Paul."

Ellie followed him out of the classroom. "Percy!" She called.

Percy turned around and Ellie almost yelped. "Oh, hey. Ellie, right?"


"What's up?" He said uncomfortably.

"Um-I-I was wondering if-f you w-were busy t-tonight."

Percy looked at her sadly. "I'm not, but-"

"Would you want to hang out?" Ellie asked, suddenly more confident.

Percy opened his mouth to respond, but a girl jumping on his back stopped him. "Seaweed Braaain!" She laughed.

Ellie stood there awkwardly.

"Hey, Wise Girl." Percy grinned.

The girl hopped off his back and he turned around to look at her. "What are you doing here?"

"I can visit my boyfriend, can't I?"

Boyfriend? Maybe another guy and she just came to see him while she was around?

But then Percy kissed her. On the face.

Their fingers were laced together, and by the time they broke apart, Ellie was around the corner at the end of the hall.

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