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{Chapter 2}

4 Months Before….

I was running down the hallway. Ugh I was going to be late again to Science class when the brown curly haired, green eyed, Junior bumped into me.

 “Oh sorry, I didn’t see you there.”

 Of course, no one notices me.

 He kept walking down the hall when I soon felt embarrassed of my clumsiness and looked down at the ground. Then did I realize his phone was just laying there, on the ground.

I called his name but it was too late, he was no where to be found.

Great. I picked it up and walked away with a second phone in my hand.


“Ringgg”, the last bell had rung for the school day. Now time to go home. Finally. It seemed like the longest day.

 I couldn’t get him out of my mind. Maybe I would see him in the hallway and give him his phone back. Yeah. Good plan.

 There he was, looking beautiful as ever, like always.

 I shouted his name once again. He looked over but then proceeded to talk to his friends. I know I’m a Sophomore and not popular, but he doesn’t know me. Why was he ignoring me like that?

Then I think back to my ex. Ugh. Why do I always think about him? Oh yeah, because I still love him. Stupid me. He cheated on me.

I’ve heard stories about the popular Junior  with the piercing green eyes and the brown curly hair. He’s a player. Everyone at school knows that.

He goes after every girl and  he still doesn’t notice me.

 I’m even his next door neighbor and he hasn’t even said a simple hi to me…once… Oh yeah! Why didn’t I think of this earlier! He’s my next door neighbor. I can give him his phone at his house.

As I was walking home it started to rain, of coarse, my luck.  

Soon I realized a car pulling up. I looked over and there he was. The brown curly hair, green eyed , Junior , also known as Harry Styles.

“Hey, it’s raining pretty hard, do you need a ride?” he asked me after he rolled down the window.

 He’s talking to me, right? Did I hear him correctly?

 “Love just get in the car, I don’t want you getting sick.” Since when does he care?

 After a lot of thoughts, whom am I kidding, it wasn’t a lot of thought, I got in the car.

 “Thanks.” I said with little emotion.

 We drove in silence for a while until he broke it by asking “Love, where do you live?” Ouch. That hurts. I’ve lived in the same house next to him for 5 years and he still know who I am. I’m offended. It’s okay, I’m used to it. No one pays attention to me *tear tear* oh yeah, I need to answer him.

"Same place I've lived for the past 5 years, right next to you."

[Harry’s POV]

“So where do you live?”

 What’s wrong with me? I obviously know where she lives.

“Same place I’ve lived the past 5 years, right next to you.”

What the hell is wrong with me? Of course I’ve noticed her, she’s beautiful.

 We eventually pulled up to my house and I asked if she wanted to come inside, it took her a while but she soon accepted my offer.

 We entered my house and my mom came out of the kitchen saying dinner was ready, she then asked my friend if she wanted to stay. I was hoping she would be able to stay.

“No I should really be getting home, thank you though.” Her angel voice said.

 “No sweetie, you can stay, you’re already here.” My mother said trying to talk her into staying.

 “Okay, I might as well.” She said. She the

and smiled that beautiful smile at me, of course smiled back.

We sat down at the table and my sister Gemma joined.

Throughout dinner everyone was talking as if we’d known each other for years.

Sadly, dinner had to come to an end. I wish it could have lasted forever.

I walked my beautiful neighbor to the door and watched her gracefully walk to her house.

Right as she got to her porch and almost opening the front door to her house I yelled, “Bye Cassey, see you tomorrow at school.”

Author's Note-

~Sorry I don't know why there are random lines in this chapter across the page haha.


Olivia & Friends

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2013 ⏰

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