4: Stitches And Miscalculations

Start from the beginning

I smile, "Yeah, I know, you were just being an idiot."

"What else is new?"

I laugh and he smiles at me. I wasn't mad anymore, I don't know if I ever actually was, but I trusted him. More than most, I know, but he was genuine when he talked to me, and I could tell when he was lying. He very rarely lied to me.

I take a deep breath and grin, "Any other stupid stuff you want to do before I go home?"


I woke the next morning more sore than I've ever been my entire seventeen years.

My body hurt everywhere. But my injured arm was by far the worst pain of it all. I looked down at it as I sat up in bed, which was a feat in itself, and noticed the bandage had unraveled and the wound was red and irritated. I didn't dare try to rebandage it, or touch it.

I sigh heavily, remembering the incident from the night before.

Than my arm feels cold. Ice cold.

And than it turns an unnatural shade of blue.

I gasp and my eyes go wide, and then I fall off my bed in the process of freaking out. And my arm is still blue.

"Oh my gosh," I breathe anxiously.

And the next thing I know my bedding is turning red and disappearing, with a horrible burning smell.

Is my bed burning!?

I jump up quickly and stand a few feet away from my now awful smelling bed sheets. I look back at my arm, the blue is gone but now it's wet. I touch the skin that was previously blue and cold and rub the liquid in my hands. It's just cold water.

What was the blue?

Something crashes into the wall by my face. I yelp and look up quickly, stumbling back as I look at the thing that nearly took off my head. It was my blue photo frame that was supposed to be on my desk across the room.

What the crap is going on?

I need to get dressed and get my phone.

I hear rummaging from my dresser drawers. I'm looking at it strangely when the drawers fling out and random clothes come barreling at me. I yelp, once again, as I fall over, covered in my clothes.

I'm almost not surprised when my desk starts vibrating.

My phone comes flying through the air, I put my hand out quickly to catch it but I've never been a veey good athlete. The phone hits my arm and falls into the clothing pile.

I rub my arm where it hit before digging for the phone in my clothes. When I finally pull it out, I speed dial Max quickly. He might know what's happening, right?

He picks up right away, we say each other's names loudly at the same time.

He yells, "I have your powers!"


"Your. Powers. I have them. Everyone's listening to me and I may have accidently told my sister to get lost and now she's wandering around the house as if she's in a maze."

I would laugh, but it was more shocking than funny, "You have my powers?"

"Yes, isn't that what I said?" He asks sarcastically.

I roll my eyes as I look at my bed spread, now half burnt and black. My arm is still cold and I'm still under a pile of clothes that came flying out of my dresser when I thought it.

It probably should have clicked sooner.

"Max, what did you put in that laser?"


"So you miscalculated?" I ask, arms crossed and eyebrow raised, "You know, more than you already did?"

We sat in Max's bedroom, him at his computer and me on his bed. I came over as soon as I could, avoiding talking or thinking to strongly on certain things. But trying certainly didn't keep my car at room temperature or any of my car objects in their correct places.

He looks away from his computer to me, "Technically, no. I just didn't calculate how it would work if the laser effected two people at the same time."

I nod, "Okay, so you only did half the work."

He frowns, "I didn't think I had to do that, it wasn't supposed to explode, remember?"

I roll my eyes but nod. "Is it reversible?"

He takes a deep breath, "Not sure, but it should wear off by tomorrow.

My eyes widen, "Tomorrow? We have to wait until-"


I cover my mouth with my hands as his hair becomes layered with blue frost. He runs his hand through his hair, shaking off the ice as I sit there trying to keep my mouth shut.

"Sorry," I say quietly, keeping my hand over my mouth.

"It's fine," He chuckles, smirking at me, "I mean, can't expect you to be as good as me."

I punch his arm and he starts laughing, jumping out of his desk chair to step away from me.

"Calm down," He says, still laughing, "I was only kidding."

"I hope so, you already charmspoke your entire family to worship you."

"I did not."

"Really? When I got here your mom was making pancakes for you, your dad was oiling your door, and Phoebe was running from you like she saw a ghost."

"Which all happened because of sarcastic remarks," He defended.

I shake my head, "Whatever, Hot Breath."

"Technically, you're Hot Breath now."

I laugh, "Which makes you Pretty Talk?"

He sits there for a second, "Okay, I guess I walked into that one."

I giggle despite myself. He gives me a lopsided grin which causes my heart to race a little too quickly. I look away.

After a moment he clears his throat, "So, what are we gonna do now?"

I glance at him, "Um, should we tell someone?"

He shakes his head frantically, "No, absolutely not, I'm in enough trouble as it is."

I purse my lips. "Well, you can't talk to anyone, and I might kill someone on accident..."

He laughs under his breath.

I shrug and ask, "What do we do?"

Me And You《Max Thunderman》Where stories live. Discover now