The Man With the Ruby Red Eyes

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I studied the man looking closely at everything, the first thing I noticed was his clothing, he wore a black tail coat with a tie and pants to match, he had a white under shirt and white gloves. His tail coat was covered in different buttons and a pin with what I could guess to be a family's logo on it... Next I noticed his face.... he had crow black hair that shined just slightly in the sun, amazing I didn't think he used any product or anything to give it the due it had with all of the spikes what was impressive because of just how they easily stayed in the air, he had pale skin that reminded me more of snow covering a landscape, lastly... and the thing that caught my eye was the thing that drew my main attention to him... his ruby red eyes that look just like the gem stone that they were colored as... They were honestly beautiful...
"Is this what was troubling you?" he questioned lifted up a black leather wallet... my wallet. He wasn't the person who stole it form me. He had brown hair not black and he had a mustache... something this man clearly did not have. He seemed not even to have hairs to start growing up... very well groomed.
"Yes, but how did you get it back?" I asked not sure how he could get it back. He doesn't look like he couldn't beat some one in a leg race... I mean he did have long legs probably making it easier but I didn't see him in the crowd and he came from behind... Plus.... how would he known it was my wallet? The only think in there even close to an ID is my farther business card and that's only if I need to call him and I forgot his number... granted, even so I wasn't to worried if I was in town because Grandpa's shop wasn't that fair away. "and how did you know it was mine?" I added along side the first one. If he was near me to see the theft he shouldn't have been able to caught him or at least be this fast... they had a pretty long shot... even so... I should have seen him.... This was weird.... partly reminded me of something my dad always warned me about... but he couldn't... he seemed to nice.
"Now, now, no need to worry about details like that, all you need to know is I am simply one HELL of a butler~" he purred and handed my wallet back to me. I felt the cool leather and smiled gently reaching in to pay him something in return reaching for a few coins only for him to put a hand out. "no my lady, I am fine with out your money," he assured with a grin on his face. I opened my mouth to say something in protest but her put a finger to his lip making a 'shush' noise. I sighed gently and put my wallet back in my pocket.
"Well, anyway thank you, thank you a ton for getting my wallet back, may I ask what is your n-" I was cut off by a pair of clippers coming between me and the handsome. I jumped back in shock but soon realized who they belonged to. I looked to where the clippers spouted from to see my father with a stone cold look on his face. Oh wait a second... that's how he normally looked unless he was annoyed or having a good time... what was rare... also when he was drunk.... But besides the point.
" Damn vermin, stay away from my daughter," he ordered. The man only chuckled softly looking up at him.
"So you are her father? I never thought you would be a fatherly figure, to anyone," the man commented getting a snarl from William as my he came down jumping landing in front of me and put me behind me in a protective way.
"Dad, stop. you make a scene," I whined to my father who looked back at me and sighed gently looking at the man who was nice enough to get my wallet back... but not nice enough to not get daggers glared his way... I sighed gently not sure what to do with my dad's little fit...
"We shall be off, vermin" My father stated.. well... snarled towards the male before taking me home. "I do not want you near that rat again, Understood?" my dad questioned looking me dead in the eye.
"Alright... but I don't think he is that bad... he did get my wallet back for me..." I uttered smiling thing of his ruby eyes, they were beautiful...
"He's trying to trap you. that is how demon work... They trap you and eat your soul" My father stated matter-o-factually. I sighed and nodded looking down knowing fighting him was useless. My father was 100 years older than me at the least. He is gonna know a bit more about demons... if he even is one... he seems to nice in my option but maybe I am wrong.... but what ever... he knew more than I would. Dad nodded his head and turned away. "I will come home later for game night and pick everything up we need for dinner," William commented as he gave me a quick hug good bye before leaving. I sighed gently and went to my room just to think for a little bit....

"(y/n) it's your move" Dad commented getting me to snap out of my daydream.

"Sorry," I apologized and he just nodded his head as I made my move not really thinking of what I was doing... I heard the tap of a chess piece on the board.

"Check" he commented. I made my move to protect my king to at least try and save myself only to hear. "checkmate" with his last move. I snapped my finger. he always wins. He grinned softly and checked the time. "it's getting late, We should go to bed" he comment and went to his room. I nodded and got up rushing to my room and laid down in my coffin. What? these things are nice and when they come from Grandpa Undertaker they are quite cheap. Just tell a good joke and if you have been over enough you know what humor he is like. I moved the lid over me wrapping myself up in the blanket and laid on my pillow falling asleep still the red eyed man in my memory.... he couldn't truly be a demon could he? Well... red eyes... Dad being over protective around him.... maybe he really was...

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