Creme' Brulee

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Friend!?! Alaina had said he was 'a good friend'. If only she knew what kind of monster he really was!! Oh, the irony of it!!! Erik was stunned, he couldn't believe it. She did say friend...right? No, she couldn't have. COULD'NT. No I was just hullucitnating, yeah that's it. I am destined to be lonely...alone. I will never have a love or friend. Never have. Never will. Erik laughed a nervous laugh, he was getting uncomfortable with his own thoughts. He wished Alaina were with him, they could talk of the one thing he had to live for Erik was not going to sleep tonight, he knew that for sure. The strangeness of the day's happening inspired him, he walked over to a desk and found blank paper lying ontop of it and a pen. Time to make music.

"No E doesn't sound quite" Erik clinked one of the other keys on the piano. Alas!! He had it he would use a C. Erik wrote away, rewriting one of his masterpieces. He'd left his music in the depths of the Opera Populaire the night he left. Now he was trying to figure out how 'The Music Of The Night' went again. Erik worked quietly, not wanting Alaina to be disturbed, besides she was the reason he was writing down this old music. You alone can make song take flight....oh, Christine...why?WHY!?! The painful memory of Christine leaving him entered his mind, he visualized her so well that he could almost touch her. What would of happened if Christine had loved him? If she had stayed? Erik shook his head to try and clear his thoughts. He had to get back to his composing. But what if Alaina had heard the rumours of the 'phantom of the opera'? What if she found out?

"Erik, stop!!" He whispered loudly to himself. He couldn't go on like this, it wasn't healthy for him. Slowly he was able to get everything off his mind, making music did that to him, Erik had always been able to escape the world and all it's cruelty and sorrow it made him endure, with the sweet sound of music. Erik couldn't wait for Alaina to sing for him tomorrow, yes, it was horrid, but that was the fun of it. He could turn her into a Prima Donna!! Erik was sure of it...

Help me make the music of the night. There now I'm finished!! Next song, let's we want to stay in the D range today, at least...Erik worked away for hours trying to recreate the couple of songs that Alaina was going to sing for their lessons the next day. He didn't fall asleep until five in the morning, but that was nothing, sometimes he went days without sleeping, and he only slept in the day. Erik was closing his eyes momentarily, but sleep wrapped him up and carried him off to a world of nightmares.

"Feeling warmth, losing light

Trying to brake these chains that bind,

Once it's done there's no way to fight,

The darkness of the night!!" Erik heard Alaina half-sing. He moaned and turned his head away, Erik's back ached from sleeping slumped over the piano. He mumbled a curse, in a low enough whisper so Alaina wouldn't hear it. 

"What time is it Alaina?" Erik asked, still not looking up, he was so tired and hungry...

"Half past eight!!" He heard her cry out cheerfully. Why couldn't he be happy like she was? Why couldn't he have what she was blessed with? Then Alaina opened the blinds to the windows, drowning them both in light...

"SHUT THE BLINDS!!" He roared, covering his eyes with his hands. 



"Okay, okay...there, better?" Alaina's voice called timidly from the other side of the room. He had scared her, he knew it. Erik could trace the fear that shook in her voice. Damn, I've done it again!! Erik, do something, anything!! Make amends, quick, I see the tears forming in her eyes..

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