Mavis wrapped his arms around and spun me around. He sat me down on the chest at the foot of my bed. Hey fave me a little smile and I knew what was coming.

"Mavis! Don't you dare!"

"Dare what my lady?"

"You know what I'm talking about!"

"No I don't my lady."

"I mean it Mavis." Out of the corner of my eye I saw Hiram and Alston in a deep conversation when Mavis began to tickle me.

"Mavis! Stop!"

"Of course my lady." He stopped tickling me and Alston and Hiram were laughing at me.

"It is not funny boys."

"A little bit." said Hiram. I rolled my eyes at him. I stood up and walked over to my vanity to pin my hair out of my face. The room was strangely quiet.

"Ellie are you ready to go. I see the carriage veing pulled up out front." asked Alston.

"Yes. Let me grab my shawl and we can go." I quickly grabbed my black fur shoulder shawl from the wardrobe and quickly went out the door. We walked down the spiral stair case and to the front of the castle where the carriage waited to take us to the village.

"Your father and mother will not becoming so early they will becoming in the next few hours." Lucy, one of my mother's maids, informed us.

"Thank you Lucy." I said and Hiram helpe d me into the carriage. Alston followed me and the door shut. The carriage driver started the horses for the village. I looked at Alston, his face was full of worry.

"Alston what is wrong?"

"There are more. So many more. I fear for you Ellie. That foreign lord is out for blood. He wants our blood line gone. Ellie, do not leave Mavis's side while we are in the village. I don't want anything to happen to you." Small tears fell down his face. He was incredibly scared. I took his hands and he automatically looked me.

"Don't worry Alston. I will be safe. And so see will you."

"I know." The carriage came to a stop and Alston quickly wiped the tears from his face. The carriage door opened and Alston got out first. I steped onto the steps that helped me down fron the carriage. I took the hand that offered to help me doen. I didn't look to see who it was, I just figured that it was Hiram or Mavis. When I was on the ground an arm snaked around my waist. Usually that would be Mavis nut he's not allowed to do that in public. I looked up to see who it was. Just the person I was hoping to avoid. Brenner. The eldest son of Lord Dryran.

"Hello Ellie." he said as he kissed the top of my head.

"Hello Brenner."

"Would you mind walking with me before the meal is served today." I looked at Alston and he had Mavis cone over to us.

"Alston saud it was alright." Mavis told me. "But I must come with you."

"Of course. But stay a few feet behind us. I don't want you to listen in on our private conversation."

"Yes. I will."

"Shall we go then?" I nodded. Brenner threaded his fingers through mine. He led me down the road, and through long alley ways.

"Ellie... What do you see me as? Please be honest. I know that you think bad of me but why?" Well this was unexpected.

"Umm. Well, your so different than the people from this manor. You are also the son of my father all time enemy."

"Ellie that all could change. Our fathers are trying to stop this long term fued."

"And how would they do that?"

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