Awkward Tuesday Health Day

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"And the ones who got thrown out first get C-s. So RIP me," Craig cupped his own face, obviously moping about how bad he was at this game today.

Tyler looked around. From his group the ones still playing were Evan, Anthony and Lui. So everyone else would be huddled together at the bleachers. But he noticed one missing.

"Where's Arlan?" he spoke, and everyone else raised their head too, looking around. "Uh...he was just next to me a second ago..." David blinked at the empty bench on his left.

Lui jogged to them, "Ey, I'm out."

Jonathan clapped, "Nice effort! I was fucking terrible today."

"You and me both," Craig replied, raising up a hand for a high-five. Jonathan smashed his hand against Craig's, grinning under his mask.

"Where's Droidd?" Lui looked around. Tyler huffed, "That's what we're wondering."

"What?" Arlan appeared out of nowhere from the left, making David actually yelp. They heard the Gym teacher yell, "Quiet!" towards their group, making everyone give snazzy remarks, be it whether rolling their eyes, mocking the way Garrick always speaks, or going for the "really, bish?" look.

"Where did you run off to?" Scott asked. Everyone noticed Arlan's slightly saddened demeanour, and anxious body language. "Uh, I got a call from Cody. His girlfriend broke up with him..."

Everyone basically blinked towards him. "Okay, seriously. Since when were you two so buddy buddy?" Tyler questioned. Arlan shrugged, "I was asked to look after Brock and Brian since he thought I would be the sneakiest. And there it just blossomed into...whatever this just was. He's really sad, though. Misses us."

"Next break is at Thanksgiving...but we'll all be spending it with our families....more or less, um, sorry," Lui shifted in his place, looking at Craig in particular. Craig smiled patiently at him, "No worries. I'm getting more and more used to the fact that I'm Scott's step-brother now."

Scott giggled next to him.

They heard a whistle, "Game! Evan's team wins!"

"Hell yeah!" Anthony fistpumped the air while Evan laughed next to him, them having taken out the last member of the opposing team, Stephen. "Good game!" Stephen clapped.

"Alright, everyone huddle around for your grades," Garrick called out and Arlan could take a calm breath in now that attention wasn't fully on him.

As everyone walked off, Jonathan stayed with Arlan. "I think it's cool that you're helping Cody through stuff. I miss him, too, and we haven't had a time to even Skype him lately, it's ridiculous."

Arlan smiled and Jonathan, "Yeah....always the guardian angel of reassurance."

"Oh shut it! Actually, I was wondering if you could help me with something tonight?" Jonathan put a hand on Arlan's shoudler. "Sure, with what?" Arlan grinned.


Evan and David practically threw Tyler against the locker. "Whoa! What the f-"

"We have a proposition for you," David started.

"Helping you deal with the Craig problem," Evan continued, smirking as Tyler's eyes widened instantly. "I don't...have a Craig problem..."

"Yes. Yes, you do, man. You gotta tell him."

"Tell him what?"

Anthony joined in on surrounding Tyler against the locker, groaning at his denial. "See, I told you we'd never actually live to see the day he invites Craig to prom!"

Tyler blinked and David started letting out his dolphin-like squeaks, while Evan replied in a joking manner, "Whoa, that's way too far off, Panda. We gotta slow down here."

"Mhm, yeah, no. You better fucking tell him or I swear to Satan-"

"Guys!" Tyler raised his hands up, making the three shut up. "I get what you're trying to do is for my own mental health, but...I can't take the risk!"

"We're out. Peace, homeboys!" Marcel shouted as David, Craig and Lui started all laughing while exiting the locker room.

Scott blinked at the closing door. When it was closed, he turned towards Tyler, "Okay, Tyler. That 'love' moment? Yeah, he meant it that way. He has confessed to me that he feels the same way back and is also the same as you, too afraid to make a move."

Everyone backed away as Tyler's eyes widened even more and a blush spread on his cheeks. "Don't bullshit me."

"Nobody's bullshitting you! We've all seen the way you look at each other and the only ones oblivious to it are you two," even Galm joined in.

"Now. We want to help you confess....through song," Evan smiled.

Tyler blinked, "Huh?"


The whole locker room listened to the song intently. When it ended, Tyler took a breath in, "Alright. If it'll get all you dumbasses to shut up, then fine. I'll do it."

"Ayy, that's the spirit!" Anthony grinned.

"Also, Jon, I was originally going to make the translation for you, but those two need much more help," Evan smirked, slightly looming over Jonathan's posture. "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa," Jonathan let out and everyone else laughed.

After Minicat gets together I'll be wrapping up this story.

I've made this so long.

There should've been like, only 20 chapters or something. And now the next one is going to be the 30th chapter.

Just end me.

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