Twisted (chapter 5 part 2) the wedding

Start from the beginning

"What you doing?"


"Hmm same,"

"It's a bit boring,"


"My feet are hurting in these shoes,"

"Oh really,"

Chloe just nodded, this convocation didn't turn out as I thought. There was an awkward moment of silence when I thought I should go back and sit down if this convocation wasn't going anywhere.

"Well I better go sit back down, bye,"

"Okay than, bye Ellie,"

I walked back and sat in my chair. "I'm bored,"

"Yeah, me too," said Josh.

10 minutes later

The bride and groom shared their slow dance together, I watched them smile and giggle as they swayed to the slow, happy music I could just tell that they where happy. A camera was circling them and I guessed that it was probably for their wedding video.

I remember when I watched my parents wedding video I only remember the slow dance, they had fog that came up to there knees during the dance, I also remember crying for some strange reason.

people started to dance after the bride and grooms slow dance was over. my cousin Chloe was danceing with her brother which also means hes my cousin. i must admit that he was the best looking cousin im actual supprised that he dosnt have a girlfriend, his hair is black and short but thats good for his 20s, he has a taned muscular body and his hight is about a normal size. if i was his age and not his cousin i would date him.

is that wired?

I want to get up and move around because my back is starting to ach again, even is that meant having to get up and dance. I looked at my table and everyone was sitting in their seats watching the people dancing and having a good time. I singed and turned around to watch them dance.

could I dance with someone?

the truth is im shy around my dads family, I feel as though im not being myself.

I ended up dancing with Chloe for a little, than she decided to go outside so I went with her. it was already dark when we got outside and really cold. a few people where outside smoking there cancer sticks, and Chloe was joining them.

I started shivering and had goose bumps. "go in side Bella, its too cold out here." Chloe said, a small smile imprinted on my face when she called me Bella it made me feel like im still important because im getting older and there's a new little one that the call Bella too, they play with her the same way that the used to play with me, if you know what im trying to say.

I turned around and walked back in the hall, people where still dancing and having fun.

2 hours later

a few people where getting drunk, Sophie had seemed to be having a great time. I had a dance with my dad for a little while now some how I got caught up dancing with the ladies in the 20s and 30s also with the bride and groom, a lot of good music played oldish but good, the camera was moving around us as we waved to it when it came round to us, the light on it blinded me.

when the wedding was finishing everyone joined their hands over their heads making one long line from the end of the hall and out the door, if you have ever played London bridge in kidney garden. yeah well like that but a hole line of people.

the bride and groom went under or hands and the guessed that had their hands up followed them once the married couple went passed. I was holding hands with Josh, mum and dad where holding hands next to us. the couple and guessed went pass us and we joined the line of people. once we where out the door we said goodbye to the bride and groom. than waited for the rest of the people to make their way out, we said our goodbyes to everyone than walked back to our car.

it was really cold and dark, it reminded me when we walked back from the Adelaide show when we had our car parked far and we had to walk in the dark, it always took us longer walking back then walking there.

I have to explain the wedding to Dennie on school Monday but for now I was just exited to take some tablets to get rid the aching from my back.


have finally finished the wedding, kind of relived. boring chapter I know that's why I couldn't wait to finish it.

Questions for you guys to answer!

1) did you guys ever play London bridge? if so when?

2) when was the last wedding you went to? who's was it?

3) what did you think of this chapter?

please VOTE, COMMENT and become a FOLLOWER thankyou guys your amazing.

update should be in two weeks same with gotcha.  

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