Fallen Stars

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Here I would look at the sky
Thinking about you and I
Suddenly I remember
What happened years ago on a December
In a hospital bed
That's where I met my end
But you sat beside me
Your tears running down your face rapidly
I held your hand
Smiling a smile most grand
A kiss on the forehead
Next thing you know I was dead
I then saw the earth
Like I was looking down upon it
I waited for you to come up here
But I felt myself falling
A shooting star!
I hear from a far
I was a star in the sky
And I'll recieve a new life
Born into this world once again
I get to experience happiness once again
Now I look up to the sky
Thinking about you and I
Talking about our past lives
Souls meant to be together
So maybe there really is forever
Everyone on this earth
Experiencing birth
In bustling cities with cars
We are all fallen stars

This poem was inspired by some romance fiction and fan fiction.

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