"I should probably say this now, if you fall off the platform you are eliminated" the guy said over a announcement. And we jumped down to a lower area and the second we did monster started coming at us. I was keeping our front clear with zhalo, I van got the left with Thunderlord, and Amelia kept our right locked down with her storm trance. Our combined firepower was wiping out the little monkey lookin mother truckers. Once they stopped rushing us we had to get past a huge metal door 

"Hey Ivan, know any good knock knock jokes?" 

"yeah, I might have a few" and he knelt down with Truth on his shoulder. Me and Amelia covered our ears to block the blast but the rocket blasted the door open 

"That's a good one" I said and he got Thunderlord back out 

"Thanks, I've been saving it for this special occasion" and we went inside. Waiting for us were about 50 more monsters about the size of an elephant. I got Black Spindle out and let it do what it does best, kill everything in sight. While I splattered the brains of anything that moved in front of me, Ivan made sure they didn't get close by using Fist of Havoc on them. Amelia was also sniping with her LDR 5001, the difference between us is, I didn't have to reload till I was out of ammo while she had too. Once we saw where we were supposed to be going we started to push through them. Since we had to switch from our snipers, these things took a lot more to put down. We got to the other side of the room while Amelia worked on the lock while me and Ivan attempted to hold off the creatures 

"How much longer?" I yelled digging my knife into one creatures head. I ripped it out and used my golden gun and shot three of them but thanks to the over penetration on the shots they went clean through and hit tow more on the other side and the bodies exploded killing one more. there weren't that many left but we were in a tight space and Amelia said 

"I got it" and she went into the next room, with Ivan running in behind her. I shade stepped in and the door shut behind us 

"we left a few, there goes a few points" Ivan said but I hit his shoulder and said 

"hey, I'd rather get through than kill everything, besides, I was on my last mag" I said and now ahead of us was an incredibly dark room with no lights whatsoever 

"So, were blind in here?" I said taking out Raze lighter and using it's fire to provide some light 

"Oh great, a maze" and my motion tracker was going insane 

"Hey Amelia, can you throw a fire bolt grenade ahead of us?" and she did illuminating a bunch of tiny silhouettes crawling all over the walls 

"waste em" I said and we just started shooting. We keep hearing the gremlin things dying as they were hit, I was using my sword to cut any that got to close but I missed two in a slash and they jumped on Ivan 

"Get off you little bastards" he said but they yanked him off the platform, sending him back outside. A screen popped up showing him plop down onto the ground and punch it in anger 

"Down to us" I said and stab another one 

"yeah, we can still do this" she said and we started advancing. I mercilessly cut down the monsters while Amelia kept my back clear. We wandered through it for a little bit and we were fairly lucky to find the exit quickly and we went through. Inside was a room with the floor constantly changing and moving around leaving no clear path. We jumped onto the first platform and ducked to avoid a pillar and we could see our exit but the floor was moving around to much to keep it in sight. Just to make things that much worse these flying squid things started buzzing us and they had electrified tentacles. I spotted our next jumped and I hopped up to it. Amelia followed me but one of the squids grabbed her foot and zapped her mid air and it sent her down into the void, eliminating her and leaving me alone 

"Just great" I said watching Amelia fall face first onto the ground. I jumped lower to the next one and shot one of the squids and I threw it at another one. I decided to run for it and just went for it. I leaped up and down and I had to run as fast as I could to make it. I landed on the exit and rolled through. I stood up and dusted myself off and the final room looked like it was from the vault of glass, with large crystal pillars hanging down and pointing up from the ground. The area looked like some sort of arena with is being symmetrical and a center that was above the rest. I stepped down and the end of the hall glowed white and a large monster stepped forward. It's skin was like crystal, with it's organs clearly visible and it had bright blue eyes and it stood on two feet with a long tail behind it. 

"Fuck me sideways" I said getting out Dragon's Breath. I shot the ground under it and I was hoping the fire would do something but it wasn't even phased. It walked through the fire like it was nothing. 

"Damn" I said now trying golden gun but all the shots bounced off. It then raised it's hand and smashed my platform but I jumped over to the right to avoid it. I decided to try golden gun again but this time while I had on Celestial Nighthawk, giving me only one shot, but cracking the damage to hit a lot harder. But it bounced off it's hide, I tried to see if shadow shot would slow it down but the crystal negated it's affects. That gave me some sort of knowledge on the monster, to negate the void you have to be using sol and arc at the same time and this creatures skin is using all three at the same time, sol, arc, and void. I used my boost and got on top of it and used Universal Remote to see if kinetic energy would do anything, but I think i just pissed it off. I grabbed me and threw me into one of the walls.

3rd POV

Fairy Tail watched on as (Y/n) couldn't hurt the monster. They all then grew pale as they watched the monster throw him into the wall and he laid on the ground motionless 

"Hey, call it, he's done!" Natsu yelled at the ref but he said 

"I have no control of it, his only chance to get out is to go of the edge" and Amelia and Ivan were the ones most angered at this 

"Listen you little pumpkin headed shit, if he doesn't come out of there just fine, I'll show you what it means to know pain" Amelia said her hand sparking. They eventually went up to the booth and sat down and Lucy said 

"What will happen if he does die?" and Amelia said 

"Well, he'll be resurrected by his ghost" and Lucy looked back at the Projection and much to everyone's amazement (Y/n) started getting up. His helmet was off and his hood was down exposing the massive gash on the side of his face. the monster roared while (Y/n) smirked 

"I hoped I wouldn't have had to use this, but you bring me no choice" and he brought out his trump card 

"Amelia, what's that?" Erza asked her and Amelia looked at it wide eyed 

"it's the most powerful weapon in our arsenal" she said looking at the white and gold weapon (Y/n) now was holding 

"What's it called?" 

"It's name is the bringer of Ragnarok, the end of the world, and every time the weapon fires it howls and it's round seeks it prey like a noble wolf, and dawning the crest of Alpha Lupi, it's made of the armor of fallen heroes, and it's name" and (Y/n) held it up and aimed it at the monster 

"is Gjallarhorn"


someone asked how to get Gjallarhorn and it is a raid drop or if your lucky enough to get it from a legacy heavy engram from Xur on Friday or Xurday

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