9. Home

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(The beast let Beau step inside the room. Beast stands in the doorway.)
Beast: This is your room. Dinner is at  half past 6. You eat dinner with me. That was not a request but an order!
(He closes the door angerly, but he stays outside to hear what's going on. Beau runs to the bed and let him fall down and starts to cry. Beau dries his tears and sits on the bed.)
Beau: What kind of a person are you to do such cruelty?! You're not a person! You're a monster!!
(When the beast hears this, he walks away.)
Beau: Sure, lock me up! This will never be home. Homes don't excist! Not anymore! Why can't I just go back to my old life?! And for how long will I stay here?! Whatever...I don't care anymore. I'll never be free again...
(Suddenly Katharine walks in.)
Katharine: Monsieur, are you alright?
(Beau sees Katharine, he notices that she isn't an ordinary person)
Beau: But you are...a...a goose?
Katharine: Why yes, my dear. And someday you'll understand why. Now child, I heard your sobbing.
Beau: Oh I'm sorry but it's just, I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to my father.
(Katharine sits besides Beau. She lays an arm on his shoulder.)
Katharine: Cheer up child. I know that everything will be okay. Once you know the master better, everything will be fine.
(The beast is seen with his magic mirror.)
Beast: Show me the boy.
(He sees what's happening inside of the bedroom now.)
Beau: But I don't wanna know him! He's a monster. That'll never change!
(The beast sadly yet angerly walks away)
Katharine: Oh come now. Now let's start with making friends. Shall we be friends?
(Beau shyly nods)
Katharine: Good. Now I know that you'll be friends too with Archibald and François. We will do whatever to make you comfortable. And who knows, maybe you find your home here too.

Beau and the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now