me being naughty..

12 4 2

.....So I have a vodka in my hand and  alcoholic smell is oozing from my body. But I am not drunk this is my first time in night club and waiting for many first thing to happen but boy I didn't knew it will go too far.

Three guys came to me sat with me flirted with me . I like the attention.
The thing is I have very low opinion about myself which has been installed in my mind by my relatives and so called friends .
When I came to the night club alone I didn't thought people will even look at me . For the first time I wanted to loose my self amidst the crowd so that's what I did.
As the light of a night club was dim I pour little alcohol on my dress so that people think iam drunk and ignore my crazy.... And live me alone.
The song was playing Indian Punjabi mashup song was being played . And I started dancing with the beats loosing my self in the rhythm. In my life for the first time I felt carefree not an ounce of retribution.... I was enjoying . And suddenly muscular  arm snaked through my body and collided with hard core body.
Instead of feeling shy and scaring my self and running away .... I did something for the first time.... I let my self move with his body

I turned towards him , with my heavy eye I looked into his eye bringing our body more close to him , his head moving towards the nape of my neck kissing me while dancing together not missing a bit

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