His lips pressed a light kiss at the edge of mine, waiting for my reaction. My breath hitched at my thraot.

Footsteps were heard from the passage and I quickly darted out of his room.



The day had been a drag, avoiding Dylan was not the easiest task to complete. Breakfast was an awful endurance I had to face. I avoided eye contact with Dylan at all times and I think my dad could sense the tension between us.

By the fifth period I was physically drained. I had to mentally prepare myself for math knowing that Dylan would be in my class. Ugh. I basically wasted my entire day trying to stay away from him only to see him last period.

After grabbing my notebook, I shut my locker closed and headed down the hallway.

"Hey Demi!" I glanced back over my shoulder at Aiden and Eric who were approaching me.

"We still on for Friday right?" Aiden beamed with excitement. "I heard Dylan moved the get together to your house."

I halted in my footsteps and Eric smacked into my back. "He what? Our parents are away for the weekend!"

Aiden chuckled at my shocked response. "That's kinda the point, Demi."

"Well," My words trailed off as I conflicted with my thoughts. "I have to get to math. I'll see you guys tomorrow."


Most students had already been seated by their desks with their books laid out in front of them by the time I had walked in. Mrs Woodley was talking over the phone in the corner of the classroom with a hushed tone.

I took my usual seat next to Cara and glanced at the empty table beside me. Is Dylan skipping class just to avoid me?

I mentally scoffed.

What an idiot.

Says the girl who spent break in the library in hopes that no one would find her.

Shut up.

"Does Dylan's absence have to do with you?" Cara motioned to the empty table next to my right. "You know if he gets caught for bunking there will be severe consequences."

Today is seriously not the day to be messing with me. "Does it look like I care?"

Her gaze turned to stone as she scowled at me. "What is your problem?"

I know I sound like a bitch at the moment but Cara, the same girl that climbed out the car with Dylan on our first day at school, has tried more than enough times to get into Dylan's pants and it made me sick. "If you're that concerned about Dylan's absence why don't you just cover up for him? Because we all know that's the simplest thing you would do for him since you've been dying to fuck him for who knows how long now but he's just not interested."

A couple of guys coughed back a laugh. Her face reddened by the minute as she gasped in shock. The whole class turned silent. Cara got up from her chair and slammed her book down onto the table. Her eyes glistened with tears as she glanced around the room and stormed out.

Oh no. Did I seriously just say that?

Mrs Woodley stood still as she watched Cara barge out of the classroom. "Miss Radyn, principles office after class."

"But I-"

"Don't back chat!" I shut my mouth to bite my tongue from saying anything else.

To my suprise, Dylan barged late into the class and quickly sat down beside me. I frowned when Mrs Woodley didn't notice him. An electric current cursed through my body as he smirked in my direction. I hated the effect he had on me.

"Where have you been all day?"

I snapped my head up from the worksheet and glanced in his direction discreetly. "Busy." Noticing the smile on his lips widen, I rolled my eyes.

"What's up with Cara? She looked horrified."

"Demi roasted the crap out of her." Jake answered for me as he laughed to himself. My head snapped towards his direction and I glared daggers at his head. He shrugged his shoulders innocently as he glanced back down at his worksheet.

Dylan's face dropped. "You what? What did you say?"

"Nothing. I'd rather not talk about it."

Dylan nodded his head but I knew it won't be too long before he finds out by somebody else. I can't believe I just snapped unnecessarily at Cara. I had no right to say those things and it probably put Dylan in an awkward place. Id been caught up in all these mixed emotions I've felt for Dylan that it's gotten the best of me. I need to get a hold of myself.

That stops now.

"I forgot to mention-"

"That the party got moved to our house? Yeah, I figured that out. Do you even know how much shit we will get into if our parents find out about it?"

"Calm the fuck down," He whispered as a couple of girls glanced our way to investigate our argument. "Do you want the whole school to pitch up at our house?"

"I thought only our group was attending it?"

"It is only our group." I scoffed.

"I will throw you under the bus the minute my father finds out about this. Do understand me?"

Dylan's smug face smiled. "Sure, what ever you say."


"Come in." I pushed the door open and slowly entered the principles office. "Ah, just the girl I wanted to see. Please, take a seat." He gestured to the chair placed in front of his desk.

My eyes studied Mr Baker carefully. Would it be an odd thing for me to say that his surname suited him quite well? I was expecting an older man to be sitting behind that desk but to my suprise he seemed to be in his early thirties or maybe late twenties? And when I hear the word baker, I think of light shades of brown, kind of like the colour of his eyes and hair.

Wow. You checking out your principle? What's next?

"Why am I the only one here? Cara was a part of the argument as well."

He ignored my bluntness and sat back in his seat as he crossed his arms over his chest. To my suprise, he seemed very relaxed about this whole situation. "Because suprisingly it's you who I wanted to speak to."

I scoffed. "Clearly."

"Did you know, Miss Radyn," He spoke up, "I could get you expelled for the language you used in your math class today and for your attitude which lacks self discipline." I glanced down at my lap. I can't imagine the amount of trouble I would get into if I got expelled.

"I'm sorry."

"If you can give me one good reason to why I should not suspend you, we can forget about this and carry on with our lives because I know you were a good student at your previous school."

I racked my brain but found nothing. "To be honest sir, I can only promise you that it won't happen again."

His pen poked his cheek as he thought about my proposal. "Good, you may leave." Wait? What? I stayed put just in case this was some kind of a joke. "Do you want me to change my mind?" I shook my head and quickly got up from the chair.

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