Chapter 2

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    The first time I saw him he looked like an angel. His bluer than blue eyes, the slight freckles around his nose, his dark jet black hair, angelic soft skin and lips so beautifully pink.
  He was walking to the library to study, with a bunch of old books in his hands that he had to return from last year. I decided to watch from a good distance.
  I wondered as he sat down to read a book if he was just that naturally beautiful or he had plastic surgery or something. Which I highly doubt even though he's just too beautiful.
   I watched as he read the book his eyes slowly following his finger that was gliding against the book. His perfect pale lips moving slightly as he read out loud quietly.
  I then started imagining him and I talking and laughing together as a couple. How great it would be for him to be mine and we could split a chocolate milkshake at the dinner across the street.
   Then he started to laugh, maybe he was reading a comical book or a book so dumb he just had to laugh. Strangely enough I start to laugh too.
   I think about him and I again but this time of him and I kissing, how sweet his lips would taste how I'd know everything about him because I just would have to know . I have to have Chris. And one day I will, very soon, I promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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