
Barba's POV

Cragen had Jess take the day off, and I walked into the SVU squad room, frantically searching for Liv and the rest of the detectives. I heard a familiar voice ask, "Barba, you alright?" I turned around to see Rollins, and I blurted, "I need all this proposal stuff together. I want to do it when we go out to celebrate Jess' graduation." It had been more than half a year since Jess had been shot, and we had been setting this up since before then. Rollins smiled widely and asked, "Have you decided how you're going to do it?" I shook my head, and Rollins said, "Well, Liv and I can help you with that. Where's the party going to be for Jess?" I replied, "I was debating booking two different places. I'm between doing it at Eleven Madison Park, or booking a room in Rockefeller Plaza, like the Rainbow Room." Olivia smiled at me and asked, "Didn't you and Jess go on a really cute date at Eleven Madison Park?" I nodded, and she answered, "Keep it there."

I booked Eleven Madison Park, and everyone on the squad helped me get things ready. We had streamers, graduation decorations, table markers that were shaped like the Scales of Justice, and so many other fun things. I was really happy that this was all coming together, and there were only two things I was worried about: Jess finding out about the party from someone, or a case coming up and us not being able to have the party. I booked the room for a Saturday so that we were all off, and I prayed that we wouldn't have a case come up.

As Amaro, Fin, Munch, and Cragen worked on the graduation end of the party, I went over with Liv and Rollins to talk about the proposal end of the party. We walked into the conference room and shut the door behind us, giving us privacy. Rollins asked, "Can I see the ring?" I reached in my coat pocket and pulled out the small, velvet box that only Liv had seen before. Nobody had seen the ring, and this was the first time that I was showing anyone else. I opened the box, and both Liv and Rollins covered their mouths.

Panicking internally, I did my best to sound calm as I asked, "Did I pick a good one?" Liv smiled widely and said, "Barba, it's perfect

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Panicking internally, I did my best to sound calm as I asked, "Did I pick a good one?" Liv smiled widely and said, "Barba, it's perfect. She's gonna love it." Rollins smiled at me and asked, "Did you pick it out by yourself, Barba?" I smiled widely and replied, "Yeah."

"So, how are you going to propose?" Rollins asked, and I smirked, replying, "That's for me to know, and the rest of you to find out when I do it."


Jess' POV

For some reason, Rafael had to go into the SVU to help with a case, and I was stuck at home. Cragen made me take a day off, and I couldn't fight it. I simply stayed at home and went over some of the case files that we were going to take to court, ready to help make a strong prosecuting argument with the team. At around 9pm, I heard keys jiggling in the door, and I heard Rafael arguing on the phone. The door shut, and I heard footsteps coming closer. Before he came into the living room to sit with me, he ducked into the kitchen. I heard him talking on the phone with someone.

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