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(Photo doesn't belong to me.)

A scarred mind.

   The boy laid there in the white hair-thin sheet. His chest heaving the slightest bit. The Anbu and elder that perched either on the ceiling or on the wooden chair next to the bed watched over him like hawks. The boy-Naruto was covered in a cold sweat.

His chest continued to rise and fall quickly-hyperventilating. What was it that caused this four year old such distress even in sleep? A nightmare? A horrible memory? No. Neither of those answers were correct.

It was a...vision of some sort. About a girl that was his age. That looked like him but...her standing of life was far bitter. Unfair. Darker. Dangerous. Terrifying...

Darkness surrounded me. Yet I could still make out the shadow of what I believe is to be a man, and a girl around my age who was strapped down to a metal table. I stood in the corner of the filthy red stained room.

My wide eyes watched in silent horror as the girl continuously was stabbed in the stomach. But she never screamed. Tears gathered in my eyes as I continued to watch. 

Why can't I look away?

The kunai knife gleaming with red liquid. The girl watched impassively. No emotion in her blue eyes. The knife then trailed down from her left collar bone to her hip bone that showed easily through her chalk pale skin. I felt bile rise to my throat. 

Leave her alone!

I wanted to scream. But nothing happened. No noise came from my mouth. 

Why is he doing this to her?!

My stomach was doing a twisted dance. I wanted it to stop. That is when I tried to move. Trying desperately to stop the man from stabbing into her again. 


I finally could move. His sick sinister laughter filled my ears. Hot salty tears blurred my vision even more. I lunged forward trying desperately to stop the knifes path...


The Elder and Anbu almost fell over in shock. A mini heart attack pulsating through them. Regaining their bearings the Elder turned to the boy as the Anbu nodded and left knowing his Kage wanted to be alone with the boy.

His face was a ghostly white. He looked ill as well. The boy was breathing deeply in desperation to calm himself. As tears stained his cheeks and burned his sensitive cerulean eyes. The Elder blinked in confusion and shock. 

"Naruto, my boy what is wrong?" The Elder mentally cringed at his own choice of words. But ignored it for now.  The boy's frightened eyes fell onto the man. And in an instant the four year old pounced the elder in a death-gripped hug. 

"J-ji-ji." The child stuttered out in a scared tone. "H-he-she--s-stabbed her stomach-blood so--much-"  the boy's voice cut out on him as a sob broke through. The newly dubbed jiji looked down at the blond child in concern. 

"Naruto? It was just a Nightmare. No girl is hurt-" The man tried to soothe the shaking child but his efforts were unsuccessful. "NO! No jiji! She was real! I know she was! And-and the weird thing..." His volume fell to a whisper.

"She looked like me. Her eyes and hair...and she had these weird birthmarks like mine-and-and jiji...She seemed so familiar...I felt like I should have known her jiji..." The boy ranted on.

Tears still marking his face before he brought his bandaged forearm up to wipe the seemingly endless river.  

Sniffling slightly he continued. "She was tied down to a metal table. And a man with what I think had very pale skin and black inky hair stood above her-and-and...jiji he-he stabbed her repetitively and yet she didn't even flinch...and-and*sniff* j-jiji her eyes-her eyes were-they were broken! I-it made me so angry! I wanted that man to pay for daring to even harm her! B-but I don't even know WHY!!" The young blond collapsed sobbing once more into the elders shoulder.

The man's face was chalk pale ever since the boy explained what this man looked like in the young ones dreams. And he continued to pale and freeze in shock at the boys unadulterated anger-no fury in his deep cerulean eyes. He had never-NEVER seen Naruto Uzumaki- a benevolent kind boy- angry-let alone infuriated!

Now the question is who was this girl that he spoken of? Escaping to his mind a torrent of thoughts whirled to life. Along some memories from long ago. Perhaps four years or so. Then it all stopped his breathing hitched. He couldn't breathe. He started to turn blue then in an instant green.

He felt completely and utterly sick. And the worst part he hadn't known of this disgusting injustice for the time he was here. For two years he had no knowledge that that snake held the lost Namikaze princess.

Hope you guys liked it! Please comment.

Love, Kisacatdemon

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