Against the frame of the right bunk, was what looked like a used healer's kit. Upon, closer examination, Rene noted that a large amount of the supplies had been used, probably on her. She whispered a soft thank you into the quiet room. Rene hoped that she would have the opportunity to thank her savior personally.

Recognizing that she was likely in an abandoned barracks of some sort, Rene went to the storage chests, that always sat at the foot of the beds and opened them. The first was empty, it's only occupant, a cloud of dust. On the other side, she gave another whisper of thanks as she found a replacement tunic, that wasn't quite so big and a pair of leather pants and boots.

They were in bad repair, but that wasn't a problem for Rene. With a touch of focus, she mended them with magic, making them whole again. She then put them on, removing the blood stained tunic that she had awakened in, and then, put on the pants. To her delight, she realized that the long, knee high boots, were fur lined and soft on her feet. Rene thanked Astra that the previous owner had feet, her size.

The pants were just a bit too long, but she tucked them into the boots, hiding that fact. The waist was also a bit big. She dug into the chest and was rewarded with a leather belt, that she mended and wrapped around herself, making the pants a comfortable fit.

That was all that she could find of use, aside from a golden silk cord. She decided to leave her new tunic out of her pants, letting it hang loosely and then tied the cord comfortably about her waist. Realizing that she and her new clothing were rather dirty, she focused on a wonderful little spell that Jensen had taught her, a cleaning spell. With that, all of the dirt, grime and blood just vanished, leaving her as clean as she would have been after a bath.

The thought of Jensen, caused an uncomfortable twinge in her chest...All of the physical damage was repaired. It would probably take awhile for the mental damage to heal itself. Rene pushed those thoughts away and gave the room, one last scan before she headed out.

She was rewarded, with the glint of something metal, gleaming at the side of the right bunk. She walked up and had to resist the urge to squeal with delight. There, jammed between the bunk and the wall, was a shield. Rene carefully pulled it out and examined it.

It was roughly three feet across and round. It's design was unfamiliar to her, but it felt comfortable on her arm. The sound of something hitting the ground under the bunk, drove Rene to kneel down and look for whatever it was. It was a shield belt! Rene pulled it out and smiled like a fool as she recognized it's design and purpose. She lifted the cord she was wearing about her waist, and put the belt on, after she mended and cleaned it.

"There." She said it out loud, this time, as she hooked her new shield on the clasp of the shield belt. At hearing her own voice, she paused. It sounded slightly different from her inner voice. It was slightly hoarse to her ears, and deeper than she remembered it. Maybe it was just that she had never thought about what her voice sounded like, until now. Going so long without hearing it, might be the explanation for finding it rather strange.

Deciding that it would be best to look presentable, Rene found a dirty mirror on the wall, wiped the dust from it and looked at herself. The figure looking back at her, was haunting. Her hair was a wild mess and had a streak of solid white at each temple. Her face was overly thin and deathly pale. While she felt stronger than she ever had, she looked like death warmed over.

She wondered at this strange mismatch as she pulled her fingers through her hair, catching and pulling out the knots. Without a comb, this long mess would be nearly impossible to tame. Rene went over to healing kit and found a length of cloth, usually used to tie off tourniquets. She pulled her hair back and tied it, into a ponytail that reached her waist. This made her wonder again, just how long she had been in that cold void.

For a moment, she just looked at her reflection. She couldn't express the relief of being able to see herself again. But something deep inside her said to thank Astra, so she did. She knew that Astra didn't save her in the most direct sense. But she could have easily inspired another to. And for that, she thanked Astra, with all of her heart.

That warmth in her core, intensified for a moment and then Rene watched in amazement as her reflection transformed into Astra, right before her eyes. Without hesitation, she reached her right hand and touched the mirror. It was warm. She started to open her mouth to speak, but Astra raised her right finger to her lips, to indicate silence. Rene obeyed.

Astra placed her hand against Rene's and then Rene could hear her voice. "Do not speak aloud, child. You are in grave danger. Your savior is and will be your greatest enemy."

Rene's eyes grew wide as she took this in. "Who is she and why did she save me, if she is my enemy?" Rene used her mental voice, which she had become quite practiced at, within the void.

"She is a very powerful conjurer, one who can bring into the realm, that which dwells elsewhere. She has saved you, because she thinks that she can turn you against your own kind. She thinks that she can make you The Mistress." Astra's expression was earnest as she spoke these words.

Rene didn't quite understand, but she knew that she had lost her patience with this 'Mistress' business. "I am not The Mistress!" Rene had to fight the urge to verbalize this fact.

"No, you are not The Mistress. But if you follow the path that she has laid out for you, you will become that dreaded figure." Astra's response left Rene further baffled.

"I thought that The Mistress was a grand hero...raised from the dead by you, Astra, so that she could vanquish your enemies." Rene was hesitant in speaking these words. It felt like she was on the verge of some forbidden knowledge.

Astra shook her head, vehemently. "That is the twisted story that has somehow been fed into mortal history, by Her disciples." Her eyes were sad."Sadly, you mortals have taken it in, hook, line and sinker. You should understand by now, that the belief in this fictional hero is a very destructive force. After all, it nearly got you killed. And it may again, if you are not careful."

Astra cocked her head to the left briefly, as if she was listening to something. "Time is short, I can explain no more. Seek out the Frost Elves. They know the truth of these things and can help you to understand. They can also help you to understand some new truths about yourself." She pulled her hand back from Rene's. "You must go, now. Go across the frozen north and find them."

Astra's image faded to be replaced by Rene's reflection again. Rene felt the rush of urgency, flash within her. She pulled her new shield from her belt and turned to the door. That's when she noticed a cloak hanging on a hook on the back of the door. She wondered why she hadn't noticed it before. It didn't really matter, she could use it either way.

Rene pulled it down and put it on. To her surprise, it was in perfect repair and clean. It was lined with silky, soft fur and fit perfectly. As Rene fastened it's clasp, she recognized that it had a tiny symbol of Astra in raised relief on it. She nodded in acceptance and pulled the hood up and opened the door.

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