Chapter 2

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Elric was charging at her, with the point of his greatsword, directly perpendicular to her shield. He was going to try to use it like a lance. He intended to break her shield. Rene felt a rush of adrenaline and exhilaration as time rushed back to normal around her. She just lightly adjusted the angle of her shield, to prevent his charge from breaking it.

Elric's blade struck her shield hard, right in the center. But Rene's adjustment of her shield's angle was just enough that the blade didn't hit with full force, it instead continued it's momentum, upwards. The drawback to this action, was that if it failed, she would get Elric's sword in her face.

Rene's unconventional methods served her here. She knew that her slighter form, put her at a disadvantage against the charge of a larger enemy. So, she had to compensate with creativity. As Elric's blade slid up her shield, Rene suddenly shifted her stance, pulling her bracing leg forward and dropping to her knees. Thank the heavens for the shin and knee guards that were part of her training armor.

A smug grin grew on Elric's face, as he thought that he had broken her stand against him. But that expression was replaced by surprise as Rene bent backward on her knees, until her back was parallel with the ground. She had chosen not to train in any weapon. Instead, she had worked with using her shield as a weapon as well as a defense. All trainees were required to learn some form of weapon or hand to hand combat skills, aside from just a shield. So she decided to learn hand to hand combat.

This choice had raised many an eyebrow in the temple. But they decided to accommodate. This had required the hiring of an exotic fighter to train her. That personal trainer was Aolyn Shidate, a skilled user of chakras in combination with martial arts. It turned out that the use of chakras was not so different from shields. With Aolyn's training, Rene had learned how to use her wiry speed and dexterity against a stronger opponent. The one condition to this arrangement, was that Rene's training sessions with her, were not observed by the other trainers or trainees. Now, Rene understood why that was required.

Time slowed down again, around Rene. Elric's blade tip flew past, just inches above her face. His momentum was so great now, that he couldn't avoid her next move. His right knee was raised, part of the motion of his long stride. Right as his shield struck the edge of Rene's, she grabbed that knee, with her off hand and lifted with all of her strength. Her lift combined with Elric's momentum, lifted him off of the ground just enough, that with a bit of help from her shield, now face to face with his, he was propelled over and away from her, in a very unconventional throw.

As time sped back up around Rene, she watched as Elric struck the decorative stone wall, that bordered the courtyard. While she did catch him off guard with that move, he still managed to turn, before he hit the wall, so that he landed face down, parallel to the ground with his arms extended in a forced push up, from which he launched himself back to his feet.

Rene's legs, back and arms burned from the strain of such an extreme move on her part, but she willed those feelings away as she pushed up with her bent legs in the manner that Aolyn had taught her, to get to her feet in one motion. Now on her feet, she spun with shield ready for the next attack.

Elric did not advance. He simply put his blade in it's sheath, latched his shield on his belt and dusted himself off, not looking at Rene, until he was done.

When he had straightened himself, his icy blue eyes were sparkling and his laugh lines were accentuated as he began laughing. Rene took pause and quickly expanded her senses around her. The other eight shield masters were moving toward her, though it was a slow approach, instead of a charge. She quickly scanned the area, with her eyes this time.

Along the wall, the other eight trainees were in various degrees of disarray, with one on the ground, his body bent in awkward angles. She hoped that he would be okay. Two priests were tending him.

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