Chapter 15

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Joey's POV:
I just couldn't believe, that five months ago me and Shane had a fight. We haven't talked in months, although I really do think it's Garrett's fault that I got kicked out, if that bitch wasn't there, then the fight between me and Shane would not have happened.

Anyways, Daniel is back now and I have been missing him for a long time.

Garrett's POV:
It's been about five months since I last saw and Kissed Shane, and I am beginning to miss him already. I know we are now friends, but I just never got that thought out of my head, why did he kiss me? Does he still like me? Why did I kiss him back, do I still have feelings for him?, these thoughts just began to cloud up in my head and I could not get them out.

Maybe I should text Shane, I thought as I pulled out my phone and began texting him.

Garrett's text:

G: hey Shane! So it has been 5 months since we last saw each other. So wanna hang out?

Ten minutes later....

G: hello Shane?? R u ok? R u there?

15 minutes later..... And still no response.

G: Shane plz pick up, I'm getting worried r u ok??

20 minutes later.....

End of text.

I have texted him three times and he still hasn't responded. I have just gotten to the point where I give up, he probably wants nothing to do with me, he is probably cutting me off completely. What have I done to deserve this??

Shane's POV:
After 2 hours I have just said goodbye to Gabbie and the baby. I am now driving home, and I constantly keep hearing my phone ringing, I quickly looked and saw several texts from Garrett, I couldn't look at them now as I am still driving. As soon as I get home I will have a look at them.

I keep wondering to my self why did I kiss him? Why did I kiss my ex boyfriend? Am I still into him? These thoughts began to cloud up my mind and I could not get them out.

15 minutes later, I am already home and I look at the texts I received form Garrett about an hour ago. He wants to hang out with me, he doesn't hate me for kissing him even thought we aren't even together. I responded with:

Shane's Phone:

S: hey Garrett, sorry I didn't respond sooner, I was at Gabbie's we were thinking and writing up baby names. Yes I am ok, don't worry I'm alright.

G: thank god!! I was beginning 2 get worried and think u completely cut me off.

S: I would never do that, I would never cut u off.

G: ok, um did u get my text about wanting to hang out? since we haven't talked or seen each other in five months.

S: yeah I did. I am available tomorrow.

G: alright then. Come by my place tomorrow at 1.00pm.

S: ok, see ya!

G: yeah see ya!

End of text.

Garrett's POV:
I am just so relieved that Shane didn't cut me off. This gave me something else to think about other than thinking about that kiss, but that thought still remained in my head.

Authors note:
So that's chapter 15 guys! Hope you enjoyed it, chapter 16 will be coming out soon, I have just began writing it up.

That's it for today guys, I'll see you guys next time! Bye:)

I'm into you, I'm not into you (A Sharrett fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora