Chapter 9

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Garrett's POV:
I was just standing there. Shocked and confused. Why are Shane and Gabbie this drunk? And why are running around naked?!

Kat: we need to get them inside NOW!

Joey: seeing Gabbie naked is making me cringe so much!

Kat: How?

Joey: Because, I'm gay Kat and I am only okay with seeing guys naked, not girls.

Kat: Well whatever just try and get Shane inside.

Joey: Ok
Joey approaches Shane, who is wildly running around, laughing along with Gabbie who is wildly laughing and running. Trying to grab him, whilst Shane is rejecting his hand.

Shane: StOP TRYINg To COnTROl Me!!!!!

Joey: I'm doing this for your own good. Don't you want to be humiliated over the whole internet and the world?!


Joey: Never mind, now come inside! Now!

Shane: YOUR SO MEAN!!!!!

Joey: Come on!!

Shane: UUGGGHHH!!!!
Joey finally drags Shane inside and instantly, Shane falls asleep collapsing on the couch of Kat's living room. Joey then places a sheet over him and leaves him to sleep.

Garrett walks in.

Garrett: what just happened?

Joey: Shane and Gabbie were drunk and they went crazy! They did some crazy Shit.

Garrett: yeah I can see that.

Meanwhile in the backyard......

Kat: come on Gabbie, let go of the tree!

Gabbie: NEVER!!!

Kat: Gabbie please! Your humiliating yourself!!!

Gabbie: FINEEE!!!!!

Kat: Thank god!
Kat said, as she began to drag Gabbie inside.

Joey: Oh my god!
Joey said looking away, realising Gabbie is still naked.

Kat: seriously Joey? Can you please help me get her to the guest room.

Joey: Um I don't know.

Kat: never mind. Garrett can you help me?

Garrett: oh yeah sure.

Kat: Thank you!
Kat and Garrett carried Gabbie upstairs, into the guest room. Once they entered the guest room Gabbie fell asleep instantly and collapsed onto the bed, Kat covered her with a sheet and let her sleep. Whilst looking around her guest room which was once neat and tidy, but now it was a complete mess, with clothes scattered on the floor, lube on the bed and the floor and pillows on the floor also.

Kat: what the fuck did Shane and Gabbie do in here?!

Garrett: oh no. You don't think they had, you know.

Kat: oh shit! They had sex in my guest room.

Garrett: should we tell them when they wake up?

I'm into you, I'm not into you (A Sharrett fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now