Head bump

17 1 2

I scrambled to my feet clutching my phone and bag to make sure I had everything with me.
"I'm so sorry I was looking for-"
"It's fine don't worry, are you okay?" My head snapped up at the recognition of his beautiful American accent. I just stood and stared for a moment before I realised what I was doing.
I quickly nodded before it looked like I'd had a concussion or I was being weird.
"You sure? That was quite a fall there" he laughed nervously, staring at the floor.
"Yeah, I'm fine thanks, Thankyou for helping me up, that was really embarrassing" I blushed bright red as I realised that I was actually managing to speak to Austin Corini like a normal person. When I am nervous, there's no way that I can talk like a human let alone to Austin.
"No problem, I'm Austin" he winked, knowing that I knew exactly who he was and held his hand out to shake mine.
"Emma" I replied and shook his hand.
"Are you sure you don't want someone to take a look at that?" He looked at my head with a worried expression, I put my hand onto my head and noticed I was bleeding, a lot. Oh God. I hate blood.
"Oh my god, blood" I whimpered, slightly staggering to the side.
"Woah!" He caught me from falling to the floor "Okay, let me take you to someone"

He talked to me all the way to the first aid office, never leaving my side. At this point I had forgotten about the blood and was compeltely focused on the sound of his voice.
"Where are you from?" He asked.
"Peterborough, I skipped school to come here" I suddenly remembered I had left Marlee alone in there, she was probably too interested in Levi and the other guys to notice. But I liked this, just me and Austin walking alone.
"I've never heard of Peterborough before, what's it like?"
I couldn't help but laugh.
"It's terrible. I can't stand it but I have to live there until I'm able to move out when I'm 18"
Austin pulled a slightly pained expression.
"Are you okay? I asked
"Yeah I just hurt my arm is all"
I felt guilty, if I'd have been looking where I was going, I never would have ran into him, now we're both hurt.
"I really am sorry about that, I wasn't looking where I was going I-" I started rambling 
"It's fine, I'm more concerned about your head than I am my arm" he put his arm around my waist to steady me while I was walking. 

When we got to the first aid office, the nurse patched up my head wound and told me that I shouldn't go into the concert, I needed to be on a quiet place. The look on Austins face looked more pained than mine when she broke the news.
"There's no way she can come in?" He argued
"No, I'm sorry she needs to rest and go home" the nurse said (very abruptly) and walked out of the room without even checking that Austin was okay.

"Damn it. I have to go on stage soon but, I can come and see you afterwards if you like?" He looked hopeful.
"Of course, Thankyou for everything Austin" He came in for a hug and pulled me tight against him.
"I'll see you after the show then" he smiled at me sheepishly and left.
"Em, wake up" Marlee was next to me in the nurses office, shaking my shoulder frantically.
"Hey be a little carful, she hit her head remember" I snapped open my eyes at the familiar American voice and turned my head towards them both.
"Ouch" I moaned realising I'd moved my head way to quickly.
"The show was fucking amazing! Connor ball went on stage and played with them, and drew and Austin got into the speakers right next to the crowd, oh my god it was incredible" Marlee rambled on and on about how great of a time she had while Austin only looked at me apologetically.
"So how are you feeling" Austin asked looking rather irritated when Marlee had finally finished her rambling.
"I'm okay" I replied, my voice unexpectedly quivering. I laughed at the sound of my own voice and continued. "I'm glad you had a good time, both of you" I noticed that Austin was on his phone typing away, probably a Thankyou tweet to all of the fans who came tonight. A little pang of sadness shot through me as I realised that I wasn't anything more than a fan to Austin. Although the rest of the fans hadn't got to know him, and speak to him the way I did. The corner of my mouth bent upwards on an unintentional smirk of triumph. Although I had made a fool of myself, and hurt myself and Austin, I was the one who got to spend the most time alone with him.

Austins head soon looked back towards me, gave me a little wink and smiled. Seconds later the door opened and in walked Levi,
"Hey are you okay? Austin told me about the accident"
I blushed a little and looked at Austin smiling apologetically.
"Hey uh, Marlee, do you wanna come out for a bit to eat with us?" Levi asked her (clearly already knowing the answer)
"Uhm...... Duh?" She replied and stood up and skidded towards the door.
It could have been my imagination but I could have sworn I saw Levi wink at Austin before shutting the door.

"Finally" I sighed "quiet"
We both laughed.
"So are You hungry at all?" Austin asked looking hopeful.
I smiled at his beautiful face staring down at me. "Yeah I could eat" I replied, slowly propping myself up on my elbows, when I was ready to fully sit up, Austin placed his hand on my back to assure I would fall backwards if I lost balance. (Knowing me this was very likely to happen) 
As we walked out of the nurses office, he picked up my bag (which i'd forgotten) and took my hand, making me slightly gasp.

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