Chapter Nine. Despair...

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A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating .... Um. It's for . Reasons . But . I hope you enjoy the chapter ! 

I've lost my beloved Rin. I have no reason to live.... I stare at Rins lifeless body and I feel. No emotion inside of me. I hate everyone and everything. Especially S/N ...... She took him away from me. She took my everything...
"Oi. Y/n.... " Kyoto says as she puts her sword back in her sheathe .
"What do you want ?. " Kyoto slightly jumps as I say that coldly and bluntly.
"I just want to say.... I'm glad I didn't have to get my hands dirty... Your sister did it for me .... Hahaha !
"Glgh!..." Kyoto drops to the ground.
"It's dumb that you carry tranquilizing needles with you...huh Kyoto-chan?~ I would stop if I were you~....." I softly giggle then go back to Rins body studying it.
"Y/N chan.."
"s/n. " I didn't want to see her. Anyone but her.
"I was wondering if you wanted sea salt ice cream?." She sounded so calm. She murdered my boyfriend and she was calm ?! ...... So I get up. And I start to walk to the voice of my sister who was behind me, with a little special something in my hands ........

A/N : I hope you all like the chapter ! Y/N is now in despair and actually seems yandere-ish! Well ja-ne !

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