Chapter One: Aftermath

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"Will, time for breakfast!" Joyce Byers was rumaging through the draws in the kitchen in search of her keys. Jonathan sat at the kitchen table reading the Hawkins Daily that featured a picture of his youngest brother on the front page with the headline "LOCAL BOY FOUND, TOWN TO CELEBRATE HIS SAFE RETURN".
"Mom look, Will 's famous."
Joyce looked over at her son, then looked at the newspaper.
"That really is a good photo of him," she said with a small laugh. Johnathan shook his long greasy blonde hair, agreeing with his mother. Joyce looked over at Johnathan and smiled at him. A tear formed in her eye and made its way down her cheek. She quickly whipped it with her sleeve, fearing that Johnathan or Will might see.
"Mom? Are you okay?" Johnathan placed the newspaper down and got up from the table. He walked over to his mom and placed his hand on her shoulder. Joyce then gave her son a hug and started to silently sob,
"I am just happy to have both of my sons under the same roof again."
"I am happy too mom." Johnathan let go of his mother and kissed her on the cheek. Joyce smiled at Johnathan, thanked him and went back looking for her keys.
"Where are my damn keys? I am going to be late," Joyce left the kitchen and went to the living room. The alphabet was now covered with new wall paper and the hole that once was there was fixed with the help of Hop. The Christmas tree was placed in front of the newly patched wall for it was now December.
"Will! Come on buddy, I am leaving soon. If you still want that ride to Micheal's, you better start hustling!"

Will stood in the mirror of the bathroom. He studied himself long and hard, running his finger down his face. He opened his mouth wide and placed his finger slowly down his throat. It didn't take him more than 4 seconds to release the blockage from within his stomach. He looked at the content that was now in the sink, a black slush and a small tiny warm like creature. This had been going on ever since he came back from the upside down. A lot of things has been happening to him since his return, the night terrors and flashbacks that plaque him everyday all day, the feeling of nausea and bile, and hearing things that are not there. By the look of him, he looked normal, like any kid his age but on the inside he was slowly disintegrating.
"Will!" His mother was yelling from the front door. He didn't realized that she had been calling him this whole time. Will quickly ran out of the bathroom out to the car. Joyce was waiting inside the car smoking a cigarette and trying to start the car.
"Come on, work damn it."
Will opened the door and sat down in the front seat. As soon as he closed the door, the car started up.
"Yes," his mother said with a small victory move, "ready to go?"
Will nodded and he quickly buckled in. His mom smiled and they both drove into the town of Hawkins, Indianna.

Michael sat on his front steps waiting for his pals Dustin and Lucas to join him for their daily game of Dungeons and Dragons. After saving Will from the Upside down, the boys decided to visit everyday and made a pact to never let one out of another's sight ever again. Michael was the one who had a hard time after all that happened with eleven. He had a close bond with the wiredo, he shared a kiss with her and she gave up her life for him. Even though he gained one friend back, he still felt the other was missing, that feeling he had when Will disappeared. In honor of eleven, Michael ate Eggos every morning to pay tribute to the girl he loved.
Dustin and Lucas arrived at Micheals and all three boys went inside to set up the game. Will soon arrived and the boys went on with their campaign. After a 5 hour game the boys decided to take a small break. "Damn, I swear we could go with this all night!" Lucas chugged down his can of Pepsi.
"Hell yeah we could!" Dustin grabbed his can of coke and lifted it up to the air "to the bravest conquers of all time!"
Micheal and Will lifted their drinks too, "to the conquers!" The boys all took a drank from their beverages. Mike placed his glass on the edge of the table.
"So, you guys want to listen to some music?"
"This is DJ Dustino coming to you live from the basement of Mike Melodies with my co-hosts Will Wizard and Lucas Lyrics and you are listening to the sweet tunes of Hawkin, so please hang up your jackets, grab a beer, and get funky," Dustin said in his best disc jockey impression as he turned on the radio. The Clash's Should I stay or Should came on and all boys let mayhem loose.
"Darling you got to let me know!" Mike screamed at the top of his lungs. All the boy replied with the second verse, "Should I stay or should I go?!" They went running all around the basement, pretending playing instruments, and holding a remote for a microphone. Dustin grabbed the popcorn bowl that served as a snack during their campaign, and started to throw it at the other boys. That started a war of epic proportions. Pellows, empty cans, toy balls, food, basically anything they could get their hands on. Lucas ran over to the light switch and turned the lights off.
The boys heard the loud scream.
"Turn the light back on, turn the light back on now," Mike yelled. Lucas quickly flipped the switch and the light came back on. They looked at each other to see if one of them was the who screamed. They realized none of them screamed and then looked down at the floor. Will was huddled on the floor in the fetus position. His knees were up to his eyes and he was rocking back and forth. He silently sobbed as he kept repeating the lyrics to Should I stay or Should I Go. Mike walked over to Will's body and tapped him which startled Will.
"Are you Ok?" Mike helped Will's to his feet.
"Yeah, I am fine," Will said as he wiped his eyes with his sleeves. "I am going to go use the bathroom real fast."
"Sure, yeah, okay we'll go set up a new game of Dungeons." Mike nudged Dustin's shoulder.
"Yeah man, take your time. No worries," Dustin said as Will entered the bathroom. "What do you think that was about?"
"I don't know, but it sure effected Will," Mike looked at the bathroom door. He felt really bad for Will. Ever since he came back, he hadn't been his old self. He was more quieter and on edge. Always beeping careful.
"Do you think it could be because of the Upside Down?" Lucas was worried too. Lucas was the more rational one in the group.
"I don't know, maybe."
"I wish this never happened," Dustin said.
"But it did happen," Lucas said in a quiet voice.
"If this never happened, then we wouldn't had met Eleven or have the biggest adventure of our lifetimes," Mike said in a defending tone.
"We could had lived life with other adventures and they would be ten times grander then what happened with Will." Dustin grabbed the board game that was flipped upside down. "Hey Mike, did you flip the board?"
Mike walked over to the table. "No," he said "why?"
Dustin glanced over at Lucas, "did you flip the board?"
"No," Lucas replied, "I haven't been over there."
"Well, I didn't do it and Will didn't do it, so who did it?"
Dustin dropped the board game. The noise was coming from the bathroom that was in Mike's basement. All three boys ran to the bathroom door.
"Will? Are you alright? Will?!" Mike tried to open the door, "it won't open! It's stuck, Will?! Guys help me!"
The boys pulled on the door as hard as they could, but the door was stuck in place. They could hear Will's muffled screams for help.
"Hold on Will!" Dustin ran over to the other side of the basement. "Mike! Lucas! Move!!!"
Mike and Lucas moved away from the door. Dustin then ran to the door and try to push it down. He made contact but then quickly fell to the floor. "Ow," Dustin grunted as he grabbed his shoulder. Mike went back to the door, pounding on it. After the third pound, everything went quiet. The door opened and the boys rushed in. Will was sitting in the corner looking up at the ceiling. His face frozen with terror. Mike ran over towards his friend, "Will? Will?" He shook his friend's shoulders. Will slowly moved his head from looking up at the ceiling to looking directly into Micheal's face.
He opened his mouth and whispered "Mike?"
"I don't feel well," and with that, Will Byers let go of what he was trying to hold back. A thick black liquid left his mouth and landed right on to Mike's face and body.

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