Chapter Two: A Backstory of A Young Girl

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Hawkins 1970

       Lydia grabbed the book that was on the counter. She opened to the paged that was bent on the top right corner. She had always loved books, especially the ones about adventures. Her favorite book was The Catcher In The Rye and had insisted that she would had been Mrs. Holden Caulfield if he was a real person. For being only 15 years old, she knew that she wanted to get out of the small town of Hawkins and move to New York to write stories like J.D. Salinger or playwrights like Aurther Miller. She wanted to get as far as she could away from her sister and her sister's boyfriend. When she was 10, her mother had killed herself and she was given over to her then 18 year old sister's care. Everyone knew the Mitchells as the "odd" family. Lydia's mother was, as the town put it, "bat shit crazy" and her father's identity was never discovered. So when her mother decided to slit her wrists, everyone wasn't too surprised. Lydia was handed to her older sister who also had a small reputation. She was a girl with "loose morals" and she liked it that way. She and her boyfriend would filled their nights with booze and cigarettes. Lydia never really minded, it was just as if she was still living with her mother. Lydia and her sister, whose name was Joyce, never had a big bond. Joyce ran off to be with her boyfriend when she was 14 and even before then she was hardly home. Their mother whose name was Susanna, disappeared when Joyce was 7 and when she came back, a little bit after Halloween, she came back with a baby who she named Lydia.
As she was skimming through her book, Lydia heard Joyce yelling from the back room "Lonnie?! Lonnie!"
Lydia placed the book back on the counter and went to the back room where her sister was. Joyce was standing in the corner holding a small infant. She was rocking it back and forth trying to sooth it's screaming self. "Shu shu, it's okay, it's okay Will. Mommy has you, mommy got you." Lydia looked over on the bed and saw a small child about the age of 5 with underwear stuck around his head.
"Can you please help him," Joyce asked "he's needs to get dressed and Lonnie needs to take him to school and I got to run Will to the emergency room because he's running a fever...... Where the hell is Lonnie?!"
"He already left," Lydia said in a quiet voice.
"Shit," Joyce yelled "Damn it Lonnie!"
"I can take Jonathan to school, we can walk there." Lydia walked over to her nephew and pulled the underwear off his greasy blonde head.
"You're sure?"
"Yeah, it's not that far and we can stop by the store and get a before school snack, what you say Johnny boy?" The small boy gave a big smile and chuckled. He had a small toy car in his hand. Lydia helped him get his shirt that had dump trucks on and a pair of overalls.
"Thank you Lyida, I owe you big!" Joyce ran to her vanity and grabbed her keys, "alright I am leaving, make sure to not get Johnathan candy and for you to go to school right after you drop him off. Johnathan? Honey, mommy will pick you up after school okay?"
The toddler nodded.
"Okay, see you two when you come home tonight. Bye darling," Joyce went over to Johnathan and kissed his head, "bye Lydia."

      "One donut please, Chocolate."
Lydia paid the man at the counter and handed the donut over to Johnathan. "Okay, now we don't tell mommy about this, it's a secret between you and me alright?" The small boy ripped the delicious pastry out of Lyida's hand and proceed to devour it till nothing was left. When the boy finished, they walked across the street to the elementary school. Johnathan gave his aunt a hug and a kiss and ran onto the monkey bars. Lydia stood watching for only a few seconds, then started to walk to the high school. She was only a freshman but felt like the high school was a second home. She rather be there than at her actual home. She got onto the small dirt road that she used as a short cut and made her way passed her house since the high school and middle school were in the opposite direction as the elementary school. Lydia's house was more away from town. It was a small house located on a small patch of land near the woods. When she was younger, she would go out at night and explore the woods. She never was afraid of them, the opposite actually. She felt at peace whenever she was in its presence.
She decided to walk down a new path she had never taken before. It's was it seem to look like a road that lead even further into the forest. Lydia, who was always an adventurer at heart, followed the path even further. She saw the trees beginning to consume the sky, and saw that she could no longer see the clouded Sun. She had lost sense of time. How long had she been walking? 12 seconds? 12 minutes? An hour? She didn't really know. She finally saw something near the end of the path. It was a giant barbwired fence that stood about 10 feet high. Lydia got closer to the fence hoping to see what was one the other side. It was a big building that was being occupied as she could tell. People were entering and exiting in big white suits. Cars pulled up and people opened the trunks and carried things into the building. Lydia wanted to know what there where doing, she wanted to get in but there was no way in without getting caught. Lydia looked around to see if there was any thing she could use to get in. She noticed about 5 minutes later a hole near the bottom. She pushed the metal and slipped through the fence. She ran over to the side of the building that no one was near. She saw a door that read employees only and made her way inside. It was completely dark, no light in sight. Lyida couldn't even see what was in front of her. She placed one hand on the wall and the other right in front of her. She slowly made her way down the dark hallway where she found a tiny bit of light. A window was left opened and light was able to shed through. Lydia looked through the small crack and saw what appeared to be a large tank. A group of people in white coats were filling up the tanks with some liquid, Lydia couldn't make out what kind. She watched as a man with white hair was directing the people in white coats. She was so fixed that she didn't notice the lights in the hallway turn on.
Lydia turned around. A man in a blue uniform placed his hand on her shoulder, "what do you think you're doing, huh? You're coming with me!"
Lydia started to panic. The man tried to jerk her up but Lydia pushed him off of her. "No!" Lydia screamed as she quickly got up on her feet. She started to run down the hallway.
The man grabbed a walkie talkie "all units, we have a girl running down the south hallway, we have a intruder in south hallway, I need back up."
Lydia's heart was pounding, her brain was telling her to "get out". She turned down another hallway. All the lights turned on and she could see. She had no idea where she was or where to go. All she could do was keep running until she found a way out. She turned an other corner bit was stopped by more men. She quickly turned around and began to run the other way. She kept running until men appeared on that side. She was trapped, there was no way to escape. She could hear her brain saying things to her. The voices wouldn't stop, she usually  could control them but right now they were overpowering her and she couldn't control it this time. She placed her hands on her ears and closed her eyes. The men were coming in all directions, closer, closer, Lydia could feel her heart beating through her chest. They were coming closer, they were right on top of her. Lyida fell to her knees,
A force ripped through the army of men. They all flew backwards into the walls. Many of them, if not all, were instantly killed. The man with the white hair and the people with white coats ran to the scene. The man with the white hair looked at the sight of still bodies. He looked with an awe and shocked expression on his face. Lydia fell from her knees onto the floor. Blood fell from her nose as laid on the hard ground. All energy felt drained from her body, she looked up at the lights on the ceiling. She saw the silhouettes of people looking over her and within 3 seconds her whole world went black.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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