Part 4

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You sat at home on your couch watching TV when there was a knock at your door. You got up from your couch wondering who it could be. Nervously, you grabbed a pistol from the table next to you and made your way over to the door. You slowly opened it to find the soldier standing there still clothed in his outfit from earlier that day. He had his right arm across his torso, but he wasn't holding his stomach like he was in pain. He stepped inside your apartment and walked into your kitchen.

"I need your help." he said as he walked in.

"Are you okay?" you asked concerned.

"I dislocated my arm." he answered.

"What happened?"

"It's a long story." he replied.

"I've got all day. Besides, taking care of you is my job." you said with a smile.

He proceeded to explain everything. How he knew Captain America back in the 40s. How he nearly killed him, but pulled him from the river before coming here. "He kept saying my name, but, I can't-" he started.

"Bucky." you cut him off. You remembered learning about Captain America in your history classes and how he lost his best friend. You always thought he looked familiar but you just pushed the thought to the side thinking that he might just look like someone you knew. "You're Bucky Barnes!" you exclaimed.

"Yea! That's it. That's what he called me." he replied.

"But, you died! Everyone thought you died. I thought you died and I'm your caretaker." you rambled.

"Well, obviously I'm not dead, but I do need some help with my arm." he said, reminding you about his dislocated arm.

"Oh! Right! Um, I need you to sit for me." you commanded.

He took a seat and you positioned yourself to fix his arm.

"Ready?" you asked.

He nodded his head and looked away.

You counted to three and popped it back into place.

"Agh!" he cried. He began to roll around his shoulder to make sure that it was okay. "Thanks." he said as he stood from his seat and began to make his way toward the door.

"Where are you going?" you asked, worried that he might be going back to HYDRA.

"I don't know. Somewhere far away where HYDRA can't find me." he said as he turned around to you.

"Let me come with you." you commanded.

"No. I can't put you in that kind of danger." he said then held you by your arms. "But if HYDRA comes after you, try to find me. And if you can't find me, try to see if you can contact Steve Rogers. Okay?" he said.

"Okay." you replied quietly. "Be careful." you said.

"I will. I promise." he said and kissed your forehead, then left your apartment.

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