Chapter 2

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"You wouldn't dare." I hissed towards Nathan as I narrowed my eyes into slits. I watched him like a hawk as he eyed the french fries on my tray as his hand slowly inched towards it.

I sent him a warning glare and slapped his hand away harshly causing him to retract his arm and hold it close to his chest while hissing. Rolling my eyes at his typical over dramatic behavior, I sat back in my seat and turned to look over at Katie who was currently stuffing her face with the cheeseburger she had bought from the cafeteria. It was lunch hour at the moment, and the school's cafeteria was bustling with students all around as everyone purchased their food before finding a place to sit.

I watched Katie with a small smile playing on my face as I witnessed her scarf the burger down within five minutes. I gave her an amused stare when she finally looked up at me before holding a napkin out towards her so she could wipe the excess ketchup that had dripped down her chin. Just as I saw slight movement out of the corner of my eyes, I whipped my head around towards Nathan who quickly scooped up a handful of my fries before stuffing them into his mouth.

"Nathan! You ogre!" I shouted loudly as I leaned over to slap his upper arm once again. He simply flashed me a cheeky smile with a mouth full of french fries before going back to chewing. Flashing him a disgusted stare, I looked away and picked up the remaining fries on my tray.

I was happily munching on the fries and sandwich on my tray and quietly witnessing a banter between Katie and Nathan when I suddenly felt someone tap my shoulder. Turning around, my eyes fell upon the Vice Principal of our school who wore a solemn look on her face. Frowning slightly, I titled my head to the side before speaking up, "Mrs. Elaine? Is there something you needed me to do for you?" I confusedly asked as Nathan and Katie stared at me with questioning looks on their faces. Shrugging my shoulders at them, I looked up at Mrs. Elaine whose eyes were darting back and forth hurriedly.

"Hope, could you please grab your things and follow me out to the hallway?" She sweetly asked as she poorly attempted to plaster a smile onto her face. Feeling my heartbeat slightly accelerate at her odd behavior, I nodded my head at her silently. She flashed me another look that I couldn't quite decipher before turning and quietly murmering something into her walkie talkie which was given to staff only to communicate through during lunch hours.

Was I in trouble?

I know I had gotten 17 tardies in the past two months but was that really bad enough to get the vice principal involved?

Turning back around, I quickly packed up a couple of notebooks I had placed on the table earlier before glancing over at Katie and Nathan who had worried looks on their faces.

"What's going on?" Katie quickly asked as her wide brown eyes stared at me.

"I don't know. She asked me to speak to her in the hallway." I quietly said as I zipped up my backpack before slinging it on my shoulder. As I got up and reached for my tray, Nathan's hand stopped my halfway. He flashed me a small smile before shaking his head, "I'll throw it away when lunch ends. Text us when to let us know everything is okay." He said as I sent him a grateful smile.

Turning on my heels, I followed Mrs. Elaine out of the cafeteria and into the silent hallway. A couple students were lingering around, but from where they were standing, I doubt they could hear anything.

Staring up at Mrs. Elaine with a nervous smile on my face, I watched as she let out a deep sigh before placing a hand on my shoulder. "Hope, something's happened with your mother and it's urgent you meet her and your sister in the hospital. I've already arranged a ride for you, and that nice gentlemen over there are more than willing to take you." She said, a sympathetic smile on her face.

Chasing Hope (EDITING/REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now