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"I don't think that time always heals everything. Sometimes it can be weeks or months sometimes even years and I'll probably still feel something at the sound of hearing your name. I always wanted things to work out between us but yes things turned out like this for some reason I'll never understand. No matter how far we distance I'll never deny that I felt something deep for you, and I always end up back in the same position of thinking so much about all that was said between us. I was so in love for the first time in my life that I really believed you when you said forever existed between us. We fought like enemies at times, but how much I loved falling asleep besides you and going everywhere by your side. Never did I feel life had limits when you were with me and now that I no longer see you I'm just thankful I at least met you because life seemed so perfect all in a still moment at some point. I'm not sure if I'll ever feel the same feeling you gave me, but it was so beautiful. I try to forget your gorgeous face, and your laugh that filled me with such joy, but to me you were so flawless and that's rare to feel that way towards someone. Maybe you don't see me the same way anymore or the sound of my name doesn't hurt you any longer, but I stopped trying to run away from these feelings long ago, because you were always the stronger one. I tried running for weeks and months, but still here I am writing about us as if our story never ends..."

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