Chapter 31 Black heart.

Start from the beginning

He went to lock his door. He looked at the curtains and closed them. "There. Now were alone." He plopped down on his bed, looking at the gun, his eyes far away. Something was bothering him. 

"Want to talk about it?" 

He exploded. "How could she do that? To you? To me? Hell your Innocent! You did nothing wrong! She's my mom and yet she didn't even think about pulling the trigger! I mean god, she was about to take you away from me, without a single thought. Your an Innocent !" His eyes flashed gold. 

"Cole I'm half vampire. I'm not an Innocent at all." 

"That's what you got from it. Seriously? Out of everything I said, that's what you take from it?" 

I rolled my eyes, and grabbed the gun, and put it behind the of my jeans. I would find a holster for it later. "I'll keep this. Although I'm pretty sure you'll mom with have more." 

"I am really sorry about her." He got off his bed, and made his way towards me. His arms wrapped around me and looked into my eyes. "I will protect you no matter what. Plus a guy always need's a guy in his life when its a mess, because just like in a game of chess; a queen always protects the king." 

I smiled. "Have you been listening to Adam Levine?" 

He chuckled. "You had to ruin my moment."  He went to lean down to kiss me but there was a knock at the door. It was Kevin. I smelt the alpha a mile away.

I flashed to the door and opened it. "Hello Kev. " 

He raised an eyebrow at his new name, but had a small smile on his face. "Mrs. James just wanted to let you know. Dinner is ready. Hope you like steak." 

A vampire eating steak. I rather have deer. "That sounds delicious." 

The three of us headed down stairs. When we entered the dinning room, silver plates were set out. Bowls were set out, with food in them. There was mash potatoes, burgers, steak, gravy, corn.  

Cassie was at the far end of the table glaring at me. A knife in one hand. Well this should be interesting. I sat down across from her, Kevin on my right side and Cole on my left. His father told us to dig in, and we did just that. The whole time, Colton's mom rarely looked any where but me. The dinner was awkward, and tense. The same for the conversation's. Especially when my mates parents ask about my family. What am I suppose to say? My family are a bunch of vampires, and one was dating a human before this, and then we all went our different ways, and I don't keep in touch with them. Yeah I'm sure that will go well. 

We were all done, when Cassie got up and collected her and her husbands plate. "Emily be a doll and help me with the dishes." 

No do it yourself, you crazy maniac. "Yes of course." I grabbed my plate and Cole's. I bent down to whisper in his ear. "If I don't come back in fifteen minutes. Come and get me, whatever you do don't believe the suicide note." Before I could hear his answer. I hurried up and followed Cassie.

"Place the plates in the sink." She pointed to it.

I nodded. Slowly putting them down in the sink. My senses were heightened.I didn't trust her. Not one single bit.

She's a mom. She will protect her family no matter what. Before she reacted. I pulled the gun out from my back of my jeans and pointed it at her. She did the same with a different gun, the only thing was, was that I was quicker.

I smiled. "That's the second time you pointed that thing at me."

"Well you took my gun. Plus I know what you are."

"So what are you going to do Cassie? Huh? Tell everyone? Go ahead. But you and I both know the consequence of those actions now don't we. So go ahead, pull the trigger. But I'm pretty sure I'm quicker than you." 

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