♤The Assignment♤

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(Fix me by Coldplay)

Sean's POV

     I put my ear buds in and put on a Playlist from my phone. I started to walk home alone as usual. I unknowingly started singing to the song I was listening, Fix me by Coldplay. I was never a big fan of Coldplay they sounded whiny to me but this song stood out to me.
When you try your best,
But don't succeed,
When you get what you want,
But not what you need,
When feel tired,
But you can't sle-
"You have a great voice." I heard a deep voice cut me off. Shit, it's Mark. I tried to ignore him but he just kept complimenting my voice and just me.
"What do you want Mark?" I cut him off while putting my ear buds away.
"You know the awnser to that question cutie." He responded. I sighed and try to walk faster. Nope! That didn't work.
"Oh come on Jack." I heard him say. WAIT WHY THE HELL DID HE USE MY NAME INSTEAD OF SOME STUPID NICKNAME! I thought slightly worried. I just kept walking.
"Seàn come on." He whined. I turned around to him and grabbed the collar of his jacket and pushed him against a tree.
"Don't fuckin' call me that! Ya have no honor and no right!" I spat at him. I let got of his jacket and walked away. After that he left me alone alone for the day. Thank god!

Mark's POV

     "Don't fuckin' call me that! You have no honor or right!" Jack yelled. He let go of my jacket and walked away. I left him alone after that for the day. Why the hell did he freak out like that when I used his real name? I thought I walked home and went to my room. Well that was wierd... I thought as I pulled out my laptop and watched some YouTube.
"Honey, diners ready." I heard my mom yelled from downstairs. I got diner and sat by my mom while eating.
"So how that Sarah girl?" She asked.
"Broke up with her a month ago." I responded.
"Then what about that nice Felix boy you dated?" She asked.
"Broke up with him even longer ago." I said.
"Then what about the boy named Jack you said you'll definitely be dating." She said while taking a bite of mashed potatoes.
"Well he sorta hates me..." I said quietly.
"Oh really, why?" She asked again.
"Because Felix was his friend and he doesn't trust me and he thinks I'm a total asshole." I responded planly.
"Watch your mouth Mark!" She scolded.
"Mom I'm seventeen I am old enough to swear." I said with an eyeroll. I finished diner managing not to have to have anymore conversation. I put my dish away and cleaned up. Then headed upstairs to my room and watched movies until I fell asleep.

     Bing! Ding! Bing! Ding! I woke up and turned off my alarm. I took a shower then got dressed in a gray plain shirt, a red flannel over that, and some jeans. I styled my cherry red hair so it looked nice. I headed down the stairs and ate some breakfast. I then started to walk to school. About half way there I saw Jack. I ran after him.
"Hey Jack, I'm sorry about yesterday." I said apologetically. He looked awfully surprised by my apology.
"Wait, r-really?" He asked. I nodded my head 'yes' in response.
"Wow, that was unexpected." He said casually. He actually talked to me a bit while walking. Is he starting to open up to me? I asked myself. Once we got at the school Jack crushed my hopes by what he said.
"And don't think I'm opening up to you, this is just your prize for actually apologizing." He said. I nodded and went to my first class which was with him. Actually now that I think about it have all my classes with him, every last one. Huh, what a crazy situation... I thought as I sat down. The class was boring as usual. All my classes were boring so I just sat there and stared at Jack. If he caught me and looked at me wierd I would just give him a wink. Gotta give in some day... and I'm willing to wait. Finally after what felt like years of torture it was my last and final class. In this class Jack sat in the back corner so he could stare out the window as usual. How in know that we'll you should know why. ;)   This class was also boring. It was a drama class which was wierd sense we like, never did anything in it.
"So we will be starting a Romeo and Juliet project were you will be partnered with the opposite sex to do a short play. The thing is though is that you have to make it your own." The teacher said. Well this should  be somewhat fun.
"I will choose partners. Ok here they are Sarah and Dave, Rose and Bob, ..." She started again. I started to not pay attention until I heard "And Mark and Seàn, sorry there isn't any more girls boys but live with it." The teacher said. I looked to see Jack's reaction and he just shrugged. I'm so excited, this could be my chance! I thought happily. I will get you Jackaboy.

(Hello guys! Did you like the song I chose. BTW you can request songs. What do you think of Mark so far? What do you think will happen next with the Romeo and Juliet project? Well thank you guys for reading this chapter. I will see all you crazy reapers in the next chapter. Bye-bye!)

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