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Amanda's POV

Wow, I went back to Chesire today. Everything is different without... Him. I wonder where in the world he is at? Oh wouldn't it be nice to know. Maybe things would go back to how they were. SNAP OUT OF IT! He doesn't even remember your name. He got famous and poff. I was gone. The minute he got off the X-Factor he stopped talking to me, calling me, texting me. Yes, I was very depressed. For about 6 months then I met Troy. He got me out of it. After that we stayed together and are still a couple to this day. Harry left when we were 16, I am now 21 and happily engaged to Troy. We are trying to find a wedding planner but haven't had any luck yet. I'll ask my mum. Troy came with me to Chesire, we had a lot of fun. But something just wasn't right when I took him to all the places me and him used to go, something was missing. Oh we- "Ow" I said as I fell to the ground. "Sorry love," said a man holding out his hand. I recognized the voice it was... Him. "Oh it's fine" "Are you okay" "yes I said" "Hello, I'm Harry"

"I'm-" think Amanda, think

"I'm Grace" wow Amanda, your sisters name. *face-palm*

"Are you from here?"

"Um no, I'm here with my fiancé"

"Oh, what's his name?"

" Troy Carter"

"Oh, I know him. We used to go to school together"

" Tell him to call me and we can chat"

"Okay got to go bye" I said really fast while walking away. I walked to my mums house. I walked in only to find... Anne. Harry's mum. Yes! I am thrilled to see her but, she will invite Harry and then he will realize who I am.


"Auntie Anne?"

"Come here" she said pulling me into a hug.

"You look stunning"

"Thank you!"

"How have you been?"

"Good! I just got engaged!"

"To who"

"Troy Carter"

"Oh, he is a nice boy! Speaking of boys, Harry is in town for a while now now, One Direction is on a break for a year and a half! You two should get together and catch up"

"Anne, I would love to but I don't know if I am quite ready to face Harry yet" I said a tear rimming at my eye

"Oh, honey! It's okay, it will just be like old times! Before you got here we texted him to co-"

"I'll get it"

"Amanda do-"

I swung the door open only to find, Harry. I froze I didn't know what to do. So I ran upstairs.

" Mum, why is a girl who hasn't ever been in Chesire before in Anutie Chloe's house?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I just ran into her on Main Street, she said her name is Grace and that she had never been here. She is just here with Troy Carter, her fiancé"

"No, baby that's Amanda"

"No, it can't be"

"Amanda moved to the U.S.A"

"Yes, she did. But now she is back"

"No, it can't be!" He said as a tear escaped his eye

"I couldn't not recognize my best friend"

"Honey, that was her"

"Oh no"

Harry's POV

I ran up the stairs to her old room. And knocked, all I heard was sobs... Oh shit.



Okay Harry just open the door. I opened the door.

"Mom I'm fi-. Oh it's you." , "leave"

"Amanda, I am so so so sorry." I said. " from being on tour, and thinking you were in America, I didn't put it together"

Hey guys! This is my first book on wattpad so I hope you like it! Sorry if it sucks😂 thank you! -j

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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