The arguement

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Ink sits next to error and you sit next to ink it was silent for a good half hour or so until screaming was heard from paperjams room ink immediately ran to paperjams bedroom door but the door was locked "jammy!" Ink sounded scared and you didn't know what to do so you sat closer to error to see what he was playing on his phone and when you realized that he was playing flappy bird you couldnt help but laugh "wHaTs So FuNnY?" Error seemed confused so you decided to take your phone out of your pocket and you opened the app flappy bird and you showed error your high score and he looked surprised "WoW 50? yOuR gOoD mY sCoRe Is OnLy 26" you hear paperjam scream again but he didnt sound scared and ink manages to unlock the door but he gets tackled and you quickly stand up "ink?!" You ran towards him but someone
pushes you back "ink will be fine but who are you...?" The person wore a multi colored jacket, a backwards hat, and orange shorts with white lines going down them "sErIoUsLy FrEsH..." Error sounded annoyed "whats wrong glitchy..." Error glitches when he hears the nickname "DoNt CaLl Me ThAt..." Fresh laughs but he notices that you weren't where you were and he notices that you were by paperjam "are you ok pj?" You ask in concern he just giggles "your clothing has different colors on it...that's funny~" you blush and fresh looked a little jealous and you could tell "are you jealous" you notice purple flames underneath his shades "thats not funny brah" you just giggle and ink pushes fresh "what did you do to my jammy!" Fresh manages to stay standing "i didnt do anything wrong" ink looks very upset "well you did something!" Fresh sighs as ink runs into the room and picks paperjam up "jammy are you ok?!" Paperjam giggles and you decide to walk out of tue room and you notice fresh hugging error while...crying? You decide to sit next to him "are you ok fresh...?" He looks at you immediately "why would you care?!" You freeze for a moment and error sighs "fReSh Is JuSt UpSeT" fresh sighs "glitchys right..."

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