She sat upright. "A question? That sounds... serious, what is it?" 

"I know that we've only been courting for two months but I am in love with you and I wish to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" 

Nodding, she kissed him on the mouth. "Yes, I will marry you." 

Smiling reliefed, he placed a necklace around her neck with an 'E' on one circle and a heart on another. 

"I just gave the smith an example of the shape you drew all the time and I think you know what the E means." 

"I have no idea." She said sarcastically. "It's lovely, thank you." 

"You don't have to say thank you, you know that." Elijah told her. "Now that we are be husband and wife you better get used to it." 

"Do I now?" She asked with raised brows. 

"Uhum. Yes, you do. Brace yourself, I will be spoiling you rotten." He let his hand slide down to her abdomen. "And our children." 

"Our children?" She asked. "See this is the second time today you have mentioned our children." 

"I want children." He kissed her nose lightly. "With you." 

"How many?" 

"Do you want to talk about this now? We're not wed yet." Elijah asked. 

Kailee nodded. "Yes, I want to talk about this now." 

"What my love wishes. I'd like to have many children, as many as we can get. As many as nature allows us to have." He said. 

They were laying down now, facing each other. "What if nature does not allow us to have children?" 

"Than we have each other." Elijah simply asked. "If nature does not allow us to have children we will have each other but nature will allow us to have children, I believe in it." 

She smiled softly. She knew she was fertile but she also knew that Elijah would be turned in a vampire and that vampires were infertile. She would love to have children but she loved Elijah more and was prepared to give up children for him. 

"Good." She answered, kissing him lightly on the lips. "When will we be wed?" 

"Soon. As soon as possible, unless you want to wait." 

"No, I don't. The sooner we're married, the better." She cut of his train of thoughts. "I cannot wait for it." 

"Good." He said, kissing her again. "You know, I never got over the fact how quickly you listened to me." 

She furrowed her brow. "About what?" 

"Your hair. I would've thought it would be up again the next day, instead you have been keeping it out your face but otherwise down." 

She smiled. "I love having my hair down again. I always did, I was just afraid." 

"It is understandable... now, I need to get you home because the sun is starting to set and I don't want to get you in trouble again like last time." 

"It's wasn't that bad. What about you?" 

"Lecture, that is all. Come on." 

He walked her to the door and kissed her on the lips thoroughly and groaned as he pulled away. 

"I can not wait until we are wed and living together." He groaned, making her smile. 

"I miss you too, now go." She smiled, pushing him away before going inside the hut herself. With a big smile, she want to sleep that night with her hand in her necklace. 





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