Story 2.

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Name: Falling for the demon
Genre: Fantasy
Author: SparklingStars09

My opinion: I'll admit, I was pleasantly surprised. When I read the story synopsis I imagined a pink castle, dresses, old time jokes and the like, and also I pictured the demon as (I'm sorry if it offends anyone) Edward the vampire. But it's not remotely like that! The main character is independent, strong and not at all hot-headed. It's amazing how the author can stick to the characters' personalities. I know from experience how difficult it could be, when someone for example has to write an awfully mean and sassy character, but the author is really sweet. Also, the cover is amazing, all the names of cities and characters are great and unique, I recommend to read!

And to the author, please continue - you're doing a great job. As an anxious and hopeless romantic I can't wait for their romance together to start. I'm excited for how it will end up for them. But also try making sure you don't use one word too many times. Otherwise, really nice!

A/N And guys I'm so very glad I decided to take reading requests! If you keep sending me these amazing stories it'll be awesome!

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