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"Ugh, why does it have to be Tusday.." You complain aloud to yourself, walking through your school gate. "I swear, Tuesdays are even worse then Mondays."

"Hey, (y/n), wait up!" Yukiko calls out to you, running to catch up. "Whats up bro?" You smile at your friend, glad to see her before the homeroom bell rings.

"I wanted to talk to you about Rio.." You, Rio, Kayano, and Yukiko had been texting all weekend about what happened at the park, mostly girling out over Itona giving you his shirt and how serious the guys were. Come Monday though, Rio almost seemed like she was avoiding you three during school, and replied to very few texts. You were on the verge of calling her to flip out, but Kayano managed to calm you down.

"I can't believe she's been ignoring us. What's up with that," you angrily exclaim. "That's what I wanted to talk about. I was thinking it over in bed, and did you notice how every time she ditched us, she was with Karma?"

You two had reached the front steps of the building, but just sat on the stairs. If you went in, Rio was sure to see you, and then you and Yukiko wouldn't be able to keep talking about the blond.

You thought for a moment, trying to remember most of yesterday. "Nope.." You finally say, shaking your head. "I was too angry and hurt. It's kinda just like a fast blur."

"Well she was. Usually Karma hits on all the girls, but yesterday he just kept putting his arm over Rio's shoulders. I think that something's going on between them." Yukiko looked nervous, but at the same time happy at the idea that Rio finally got attention from her crush.

"I can't believe she wouldn't tell us though... C'mon, lets go find her and ask." You stand up, brushing dirt off the back of your pants.

You two had found Kayano, and gotten her to agree to look for Rio with you. The three of you were basically acting like a search party, asking anyone you knew if they had seen your friend.

Soon enough the bell rang, and you had to give up on your search. "We'll ask her in homeroom." You said, now completely determined to ask her.

Ad the three of you walk into the classroom, Rio runs over to your group. "Guys, you've all gotta come today, okay? I've got some good gossip for you!" With that, she bounces back to her seat.

What she was talking about was the weekly trip to Bon Crepetit, the local crepe restaurant. Everyone gathered up after school on Tuesdays or Wednesdays and pooled their money together for the restaurant, that way no one could back out because they didn't have enough.

You looked at Kayano and Yukiko and shrugged. "I guess we'll find out soon." "Watch her through the day guys, that way we can know if somethings really going in between her and Karma." Yukiko said, before sighing and going to her seat.


You had done as Yukiko asked and watched Karma and Rio throughout the day. You really had to agree with her, it seemed like the two were closer then ever, Karma even laying off of teasing you the entire day.

Everyone was sitting around the usual table; Itona to one side of you, Karma to the other. Nagisa and Kayano were, of course, next to each other, while Rio was across from Karma, and Yukiko was at the head of the table. Even though it happened almost every week, you still blush at how close you and Itona were. Being close at school is one thing, but being close on a group date was something completely different.

Itona X Reader; Painting FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now