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I'm in a spare bedroom in Brendon's house. The bed is comfortable, the food is good, and his mom insisted I stay the night.
Brendon promised he would help me find the boy tomorrow. I didn't mention that I was attracted to him. But speaking of being attracted to, Brendon's life is going great. He told me all about school and how he's moving onto college and he has a girlfriend. His life made me feel a little pity towards myself, but not too much because at least I was alive and healthy. I mean I was malnourished and under weight, but I'm alive.
At dinner Brendon's mom said it looked like I hadn't eaten in months, and she wanted to know who the people that were "taking care of me" were, but I decided not to share that in case she called and made a blowout of the whole thing.
It's good here, it feels safe.
I'm sitting here writing in my journal with a new pen that Brendon's dad gave me, he said the other one looked like it was from the war.
But maybe tonight will be the night I can I finally sleep at least a wink.
Written on Friday
April 15, 2007
In my new pen (black of course)
Tyler Robert Joseph

Don't leave me alone// joshlerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang