Part 4.

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(Finally ikr)
Newt's POV
Since Thomas found me in the park that one night and took me in he has been really sweet to me, but I'm still a little suspicious, after all he's done to me why is he suddenly being so nice? Conveniently Thomas walks into his room, my room at the moment because he won't let me sleep ok the couch. "Hey." "Hi." "I'm bored" he admits. "Same... May I ask you a question?" "May I answer your question?" He smiles. "It's on a serious topic I would assume, what happened to you and why are you being so nice to me after all the bulling you put me through?" I ask. He tenses up. "Can I trust you?" He asks I nod my head. "Okay it's a long story, but you want to know." I wait for him to continue. "When I was younger my dad and mom got into drugs and alcohol, because they were drunk and high most of the time they abused me. That continued until one day, the only day they weren't wasted, I uh I told them I... I was gay." He looked at me, my expression never changing. "They told me that wasn't right, I didn't know what to do, and I couldn't except myself because I was into guys. So I took the anger out on you, I know that's no excuse for all I put you through. Once I saw the news, when you tried to kills yourself I realized what I was doing and how bad of person I am. I realized I needed to stop , I didn't know how I could approach you without you taking my apology sincerely. The day I saw you at the park I just had to help you. So here it is my apology." I stared at him words wanting to come out of my mouth but none did. I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around him, I hugged him, the bully you for hire me for years. "I had a similar past to you, both my parents abused me, my dad got put in jail from video evidence but my mum wasn't found 'guilty'. The abuse continued until a few days ago I told her I was gay. She kicked me out and you found me and here I am now." I mumbled into his shoulder taking in his wonderful sent. "When I figured out I was gay I was confused to. Except I took it out by sadness. And I cut." I said breaking the embrace to show him the scars on my wrist and hips some fresher then others. He kept my shirt lifted and rubbed the spots where the scars and new cuts were. "I feel terrible." He says his eyes watering I lay Down in his bed and pat the spot next to me so he wouldn't have to sleep on the lumpy couch another night.
Thomas's POV (it's short af)
I woke up wrapped in newts arms I move a little to get closer to humans get more comfortable. "I'm sorry you can leave if you want." Newt says in his hot British morning voice. "No, I like this." I say man I am really falling for him. I move back so I can stare into his beautiful brown eyes. I lean in getting closer to his face. Pressing my forehead against his. Both our cheeks turning red. "I fell for you." He says. "And I hit every branch on the way down." He finishes. He presses his lips to mine. I am shocked at first but then kiss back it was a sweet kiss.

(What do you think should I continue or stop here and keep it as this nice sweet happy ending)

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